
  • 网络earth construction;earth architecture;Land Cover Building
  1. 喀什地区土坯民居(广义上也称为生土建筑)也同样面临着这些问题。

    Adobe houses in Kashgar ( earth architecture in broad sense ) were also facing with these problems .

  2. 长期以来,生土建筑体系贴近生活,与自然环境和谐相处。

    For a long period , the system of earth architecture is close to human life and gets along certainly harmonious with the natural environment in the level .

  3. 洛阳地区生土建筑发展趋势探讨

    Exploration of Development Trend of the Immature Earth Architectures in Luoyang

  4. 汉中市生土建筑现状调查研究与分析

    Present Condition Investigation and Analysis of Raw Soil Building in Hanzhong

  5. 生土建筑围护结构表面吸放湿过程实验研究

    Experimental study on moisture absorption and desorption process of adobe building envelope

  6. 黄土地区生土建筑震害特征及防灾对策研究

    Earthquake damage characteristics of raw soil buildings in loess areas and disaster prevention countermeasures

  7. 走向生土建筑的未来

    To the future of the immature soil buildings

  8. 黄土地区农村民房生土建筑墙体材料抗震性能试验研究

    Study on Seismic Resistance Performance of Wall Material Used in Rural Raw-soil Buildings in Loess Area

  9. 生土建筑就是我国村镇建筑中仍有大量使用的形式之一。

    The raw soil construction is still one of the major forms used in our country villages and small towns .

  10. 为了定量地研究生土建筑室内热湿环境,确定生土建筑围护结构表面吸放湿过程质交换系数是一项基础工作。

    It is a fundamental work to determine the surface mass transfer coefficient for evaluating the indoor thermal and moisture environment of adobe buildings .

  11. 土坯建筑,简单地说是指用未经焙烧而只用简单加工的土坯砌块修建的建筑,是我国生土建筑的一个重要组成部分。

    Adobe building , it simply refers to the buildings which is built with adobe blocks without calcination but only simple be processed , roasted .

  12. 福建永定客家土楼源远流长,是中国远古时期产生的生土建筑技术在福建的继承与发展。

    Hakka Earth Buildings Complex in Yongding of Fujian enjoys a long history , which is regarded as the inheritance and development of earth architecture technique emerged in primitive period .

  13. 生土建筑在我国已有上千年的历史,在奴隶社会时期的商代就已经出现用夯土筑就城墙。

    Earth building has a history of thousands of years in our country . The wall built of rammed earth has appeared in Shang dynasty , which was in the period of slavery society .

  14. 文章针对洛阳地区的生土建筑现状,探讨生土建筑发展方向&把发展特色旅游与发掘传统民居结合起来,并分析这种方法的可行性。

    The present conditions of immature earth architecture of Luo Yang , this article explores it ′ s development direction & developing characteristic tourism and seeking the traditional building , and analyzing the feasibility of such approach .

  15. 生土建筑贴近自然,融于自然,在我国具有悠久的历史。当前,在我国西部广大贫困农村地区,生土建筑仍然是农村居住用房的主要结构形式之一。

    Earth building , which commune with nature , has a long history in China . Currently , earth building is always one of main structure types of rural housing in vast impoverished rural areas of China .

  16. 豫北地区处于地震断裂带上,地震活动频繁且剧烈,但有些生土建筑经历了几百年的风雨侵蚀和地震震撼,依然完好无损。

    North Henan province is located in the earthquake belt , where earthquakes happen frequently and violently . But some earth buildings are still in perfect condition after thousands of years of wind and rain erosion and earthquakes .

  17. 通过对处于吸湿区范围的生土建筑围护结构的传热传质规律的详细分析和研究,首次建立了生土建筑围护结构的热质迁移微分控制方程。

    In accordance to comprehensive analysis of the transient heat and mass transfer through the adobe building enclosure in the hygroscopic range , it is first to draw up the combined thermal and moisture transfer differential equations through wall-made-of-rammed-soil .

  18. 在当代提出的生态主义及可持续性发展的概念指导下,建筑设计出现了新的景象,产生了新的设计思路,生土建筑逐渐进入建筑师们的视野。

    Under the guidance of the contemporary concepts of ecology and sustainable development , there appears a new sight of architecture design , and bring new design ideas . Gradually earth architecture goes into the field of architect vision .

  19. 首次对生土建筑材料物性参数进行了实验测试,得到了常用生土建筑材料的密度、比热和导热系数等参数值,得到了生土建筑围护结构的等温吸湿平衡曲线的拟合函数关系式;

    The experiment has first been conducted in the laboratory to get the fundamentals thermal and moisture properties ( such as materials density , specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity ) and also the material moisture absorption isotherms of adobe building materials .

  20. 所以,对于中国传统建筑文化的继承,关键在于激活和培育有利于生态文明发展需要的有效基因,在适应和实现不断更新的人文价值的过程中才能使古老的生土建筑获得新生。

    Therefore , the key point of inheriting the traditional Chinese culture lies in the activation and cultivation of the effective gene needed to develop the ecological civilization beneficially , so as to renew the ancient earth building in the process of the renewal of the humanistic value .

  21. 通过实际建造和使用,在一定程度上减缓人们对地坑窑生土建筑的片面认识与一味拆毁,使其在现代社会更为生机勃发的延续下去,为子孙后代保留住建筑的真正智慧结晶。

    One-sided cognition and blind demolishment of people on the pit cave-dwellings are expected to be relieved to a certain extent by actual construction and application , enabling the pit kilns last vigorously in modern society so as to preserve the real wisdom crystallization of architecture for our descendants .

  22. 本文以初溪土楼群的保护为例,探讨了传统生土民居建筑遗产的保护对策。

    Taking protection of hakka earth buildings in Chuxi as an example , this paper discusses about countermeasures of protecting heritage of traditional earth buildings .

  23. 生土房屋从建筑类型上可分为夯土墙承重房屋、土坯墙承重房屋和生土窑洞三种。

    Generates from building houses on type can be divided into adobe wall bearing housing , rammer earth wall bearing housing and generates cave three kinds .

  24. 但是,传统的生土结构普遍存在房屋材料强度低,结构整体性差,建造生土建筑时没有相应的标准进行规范等诸多问题。

    But , the traditional raw soil structure universally exists some problems , such as , low strength of house materials , bad structural integrity , there is no corresponding standard in raw soil construction .

  25. 然而生土材料的抗剪、抗弯、拉折强度很低,致使生土建筑在抗震能力方面存在先天性不足。

    But the shearing strength , bending strength and breaking strength of earth material is very low , thus the earth building has connatural shortage in seismic resistant capability .