
  • 网络Cement hydration heat;hydration heat of cement
  1. 文章通过实例阐述了在大体积钢筋混凝土转换层施工阶段,如何控制大体积泵送混凝土水泥水化热引起的混凝土内外温差和混凝土收缩产生的裂缝。

    Through an example , the paper states how to control mass concrete cracks that are caused by concrete shrinkage and by the interior or exterior difference in temperature of concrete because of hydration heat of cement .

  2. 掺矿渣粉、粉煤灰对水泥水化热的影响

    Effect of Mixture of Slag Powder and Fly Ash on Hydration Heat of Cement

  3. 介绍了C80微量热仪的工作原理及特点,以及在水泥水化热测量方面的应用。

    The principles and features of type C80 micro calorimeter and its application in measuring heat of hydration are presented .

  4. 水泥水化热对混凝土路面板的作用探讨

    The effect of cement hydration heat on the concrete pavement slab

  5. 水泥水化热的影响;水泥水化动力学模型

    The influence digree is studied . Hydration Kinetic Model of Cement

  6. 水泥水化热是使砌石拱坝施工期产生温度应力的主要因素,外界气温的变化加剧了坝体内部产生的温度应力。

    Changes in temperature prick up the thermal stresses in the dam .

  7. 普通水泥水化热试验方法

    Testing method for heat of hydration of portland cement

  8. 新型超缓凝剂对水泥水化热的影响研究

    Influence of new super setting retarder on hydration heat generation reaction of portland cement

  9. 相变材料在水泥水化热温度控制方面的研究

    Study on the Control over the Cement Hydration Heat of the Phase Change Materials

  10. 粉煤灰与磷矿渣对水泥水化热及胶砂强度的影响

    Influence of fly ash and phosphorus slag on hydration heat and mortar strength of cement

  11. 固态碱组分碱矿渣水泥水化热及结合能变化规律研究

    Study on the regular change pattern of Hydrate Heat and Binding Energy of Solid Alkaline Component AAS Cement

  12. 研究了钢渣矿粉和粉煤灰单掺和复掺时对水泥水化热的影响。

    Composition feature of hydration products of cementations materials with steel-making slag powder is studied with the method of XRD .

  13. 大体积混凝土在桥梁施工过程中,由于水泥水化热容易引起表面裂缝。

    During the mass concrete construction in bridge structure , the cement hydration heat is easy to cause surface cracking .

  14. 在大体积混凝土工程施工中,由水泥水化热引起混凝土浇筑体内外温差和温度应力的剧烈变化,产生裂缝。

    Great temperature difference and thermal stresses are caused by heat of hydration of cement to lead to creaks during mass concrete construction processing .

  15. 本文主要探讨了我国目前采用的水泥水化热测定方法中有关水化热计算公式不足之处,以及试验用材料的改进意见。

    This paper discusses deficiencies in calculational formula of hydrate thermal in mensuration of cement hydrate thermal in China and amelioration advice to test materials .

  16. 混凝土的浇筑温度、环境温度以及水泥水化热对温度应力的影响十分显著。

    But , concrete placement temperature , surrounding temperature and the heat of hydration of cement , they take a more affection on lining thermal stress .

  17. 大体积混凝土施工时常选用水泥水化热较低的矿渣硅酸盐水泥等以利于混凝土温升控制。

    For massive concrete construction , the low hydration heat cement like the slag Portland cement is often used to facilitate temperature rise control in the concrete .

  18. 在大体积混凝土施工中,为了防止混凝土出现裂缝,合理选用混凝土原材料,降低水泥水化热;

    In order to prevent cracking , the raw materials of concrete are selected rationally for the large volume concrete operation resulting in reduction of the cement hydration heat .

  19. 大体积混凝土的施工技术难度整体要求相对较高,特别是要防止混凝土因水泥水化热引起的温度差产生温度应力导致裂缝产生。

    Mass concrete construction technology difficulty overall requirement is relative taller , especially to prevent concrete for cement hydration heat led up the difference in produce temperature stress caused cracks .

  20. 在大体积混凝土结构中采用大掺量粉煤灰混凝土能够有效降低水泥水化热引起的混凝土内部温升,从而有效避免大体积混凝土的早期开裂。

    In the mass concrete structure HFCC can effectively reduce the temperature by the cement hydration heat caused , thus HFCC can avoid the early crack of the mass concrete structure .

  21. 对于水工隧洞衬砌混凝土,在施工期由于水泥水化热作用,温度应力影响显著,是产生混凝土结构裂缝的重要原因之一。

    As for hydraulic tunnel lining concrete , thermal stress is one of important factors that cause concrete cracks , due to the heat of hydration of cement in the construction period .

  22. 考虑基桩传热、地基冻土、大气温度变化、混凝土中水泥水化热、混凝土入模温度变化及其相互作用,建立温度场数值分析模型。

    In this paper , the integration of foundation pile conduction , frozen soil , air temperature , concrete hydrate heat , concrete molding temperature is considered to establish a numerical simulation .

  23. 对于大体积混凝土建筑,水泥水化热引起混凝土浇筑内部温度和温度应力剧烈变化,是导致混凝土发生裂缝的主要原因。

    For mass concrete construction , cement caused by hydration heat of concrete pouring temperature and internal stress of dramatic changes in temperature , is the main reason for cracks in concrete occur .

  24. 水电站尾水管为大截面混凝土框架结构,在施工期由于水泥水化热及外界气温的变化,框架内将产生较大的温度应力。

    The draft tubes for the Three Gorges powerhouse are of large_sized frame structures . During construction , hydration heat as well as changing of ambient temperature causes big temperature stresses in the structure .

  25. 结果表明:掺加激发剂能有效改善大掺量粉煤灰混凝土早期强度低的问题,而且可以在降低水泥水化热的同时,延缓混凝土早期放热峰值的出现,并使混凝土具有良好的抗渗性能。

    The results show that the early strength and the permeability of concrete can be improved effectively , and the hydration heat can be reduced and the hot peak value at the early age can be postponed .

  26. 根据热力学基本原理,对水泥水化热、混凝土温度及温度应力、混凝土整浇长度进行了计算。

    Based on the principle of the thermodynamics , the calculations are carried out on the cement hydration heat , concrete temperature and its temperature stress , and the maximum pouring-length of concrete basement slab . 3 .

  27. 冬季浇注混凝土,利用自身的水泥水化热蓄热保温养护,是简便常用的方法,可以防止混凝土表面受冻,提高混凝土早期强度。

    It is a simple , convenient and conventional method to cure concrete , to prevent concrete surface from freezing and to improve early concrete strength by using its cement hydration heat in concrete placement during winter time .

  28. 大体积混凝土施工中,由于水泥水化热引起混凝土浇注内部温度和温度应力剧烈变化,由此而产生的温度应力是导致混凝土产生裂缝的主要原因。

    Due to acute change of temperature stress and internal temperature in concrete , large amounts of crack will come into being in large volume concrete construction , and it will affect concrete character such as waterproofness 、 wear and whole .

  29. 隧洞衬砌混凝土在施工期由于水泥水化热作用、外界环境温度的变化以及围岩的强约束作用,温度应力的影响显著,是引起衬砌混凝土结构裂缝的重要原因之一。

    As for tunnel lining concrete , thermal stress is one of the important factors which causing concrete cracks , due to the heat of hydration of cement , the surroundings temperature variation , and the strong constraint of the surroundings rock in the construction period .

  30. 所以在施工中必须控制水泥的水化热以及通过养护的方式来降低内外温差。

    So it should control the heat of hydration and cut down the temperature difference .