
  1. 而正在兴起的UV固化水性木器漆却综合具备UV固化技术和水性涂料技术的优点,既环保又节能省时,且木器漆性能良好。

    However , the emerging UV-curable water-based wood coating is integrated with the advantages of UV curing technology and water-based paint , it is environmental friendly and energy-saving , and has a good performance of wood coatings .

  2. 涂刷水性木器漆微泡问题的改进研究

    Study on Improvement of Micro-bubble Problem while Brushing Waterborne Wood Coatings

  3. 水性木器漆开放着色涂装工艺探讨

    Discussion on the Opening Coloring Coating Process of Waterborne Wood Paint

  4. 本文介绍了水性木器漆的组成、涂装施工及其注意事项。

    Composition and application problems for water-based wood coatings were described .

  5. 水性木器漆中助剂的选择与应用

    Selection and Application Study about Additives in Water-borne Wood Coatings

  6. 水性木器漆消泡性能的研究

    Study on the defoaming performance of waterborne wood lacquer

  7. 对水性木器漆标准的设想

    Tentative Ideas for Water - borne Wood Paint Standard

  8. 水性木器漆的品种、性能和市场

    Categories , performance and market of water-based Wood Paints

  9. 水性木器漆是一个特殊的体系,有别于传统的溶剂型木器漆。

    Waterborne wood coatings is a special system different from conventional solvent - borne wood coatings .

  10. 拿一些水性木器漆,搅拌一下涂抹在刮伤处。

    Just get some woodflex , give it a stir and spread it into the scratch .

  11. 介绍了水性木器漆开放着色涂装工艺、存在的问题及解决的措施。

    The opening coloring coating process , problems existed and countermeasures of waterborne wood paint are introduced .

  12. 用于水性木器漆体系中,使漆具有优异的硬度、光泽、丰满度、耐水性及耐磨性;

    Used in aqueous wood lacquer with excellent hardness , gloss , buildiness , water and abrasion resistance .

  13. 讨论目前国内水性木器漆的种类、性能和应用,比较了几种代表性的水性木器漆和乳液的性质,以及水性木器漆与溶剂型漆的优劣。

    Varieties , performances and applications of water_ based wood coatings familiar nowadays in Chinese market are discussed and compared .

  14. 通过对水性木器漆的配方调整和消泡工艺优化,解决了产品生产和使用中的消泡问题。

    Through analysis and adjustment formulation and optimization of defoaming technique of waterborne wood coatings , the defoaming problem of product was solved successfully .

  15. 目前常用的水性木器漆虽然具有无污染、对人体健康无损害等优点,但是仍存在干燥速度慢,耐水性差等缺陷。

    The water-based wood coatings has no pollution , no damage to human health , etc. , but there are still some defects like slow drying , poor water-resistant .

  16. 武汉安泰化学工业有限公司是一家专业生产聚丙烯酸系水性木器漆乳液的高科技公司。

    Wuhan Antai Chemical Industries Co. , Ltd. ( ACI ) has been granted by the Chinese Government a state 863 project - Preparation of Nanometer Scale Polyacrylic Acid Based Emulsions for High Performance Water-Base Wood Coatings .

  17. 结合国内外木器漆标准的现状,从产品分类及性能要求两方面,分别谈了对水性木器漆标准制定的几点设想。

    Combined with the current situation of wood paint standard both at home and abroad , the article spoke of some tentative ideas for water - borne wood paint standard respectively according to the product classification and property requirement .

  18. 水性PUA木器漆用树脂的研制

    Development of Waterborne PUA Resin for Wood Lacquer

  19. 水性聚氨酯木器漆胶膜物性的研究

    Study on the Physical Properties of the Film of Aqueous Polyurethane for Wood Paints

  20. 叙述了水性聚氨酯木器漆的制备方法、技术指标及施工应用,并与传统产品做了性能比较。

    This paper has described the manufacture method , technical specification and application of waterborne polyurethane for wood finishes and compared its performance with that of traditional products .

  21. 有机硅改性水性丙烯酸聚氨酯木器漆的研制

    Development of Silicone-modified Water-borne Acrylic Polyurethane Wood Coating

  22. 并对水性木器装修实色漆及其配套底漆配方设计进行了探讨,开发出了高性能、低VOC的水性木器实色漆及其配套产品。

    Formulation design of solid color waterborne paint for wood decoration and the primer is discussed . A high performance , low VOC solid color waterborne paint for wood decoration and related products are developed .

  23. 水性木器装修实色漆的研制

    Development of solid color waterborne coating for wood decoration

  24. 可广泛应用于水性装饰漆、木器漆、水性油墨等领域。

    It widely apply to the , fitment paint , water-wood-paint , water ink .

  25. 介绍了一种高固含高透明水性腻子的研制方法,解决了水性木器漆清漆全封闭涂装时施工工序过多及素材缺陷的填补等问题。

    This paper introduces preparation method of the high solid and high transparent water-borne putty , solving the problems of too many processes and material defects in the fully-closed application of water-borne wood varnish .