
  • 网络horizontal bedding;horizontal lamination
  1. 并见有水平层理、平行层理、沙纹层理、板状交错层理等层理构造;

    The bedding structures include horizontal bedding , parallel bedding , ripple bedding and tabular cross-bedding .

  2. 沉积构造总的来说较少见,以水平层理和平行层理最为发育,其次为波痕和透镜体等。

    Horizontal bedding and parallel bedding are the main sedimentary structures , and ripple and lenticular body are fewer .

  3. 该方法适用于以薄互层地层水平层理为背景的测井图象中垂直裂缝的识别。

    This method is suitable for the lamina with horizontal bedding to automatic recognition of vertical fracture from borehole images .

  4. 除水平层理外,交错层理也很发育。因此,根据各钻孔的具体情况,合理调整基础的深度及结构,以确保临时施工交通桥的安全使用。

    Therefore , to make sure the safety of temporal bridge the depth and structure of the foundation should be chosen properly .

  5. 沉积构造以块状层理、大型槽状交错层理和斜层理为主,见平行层理、波状层理和极少量的水平层理。

    Sedimentary structures are mainly massive bedding , large trough cross bedding and oblique bedding with few parallel bedding , wave bedding and horizotal bedding ;

  6. 富矿层中水平层理发育,含油率多为5%~8%,最高可达12%;

    Horizontal beddings were developed in high-grade oil shale whose oil yield usually are between 5 % ~ 8 % and up to 12 % .

  7. 中期海水加深,发育了水平层理、变形层理及包卷层理等,近于台地边缘斜坡相。

    In the middle stage , withe the deepening of the sea water , horizontal bedding , deformation bedding and convolution bedding developed , suggesting a platform-marginal slope facies .

  8. 砂岩层理发育丰富,主要有交错层理、水平层理、平行层理、冲刷面和植物茎叶化石等。

    The beddings of sandstones developed in varied ways , among which cross bedding , horizontal bedding , parallel bedding , bed scour and fossils of plant stems and leaves took the majority .

  9. 得出的关于原油粘度是影响油层水淹特征最重要的因素;交错层理与斜层理水驱效果好于水平层理;

    The obtained results showed that the oil viscosity is a very important factor to effect waterflooding characteristic of reservoir , and waterflooding effect for oblique and cross beddings are better than horizontal bedding .