
shuǐ shànɡ yùn dònɡ zhōnɡ xīn
  • Water Sports Center;aquatic sports center
  1. 水质模拟结果表明,在未来开采条件下,热电厂水源地、水上运动中心及渭河近岸地带的地下水最容易受到渭河水污染的影响。

    Groundwater transport modeling results shows that the wells of thermoelectric plant , groundwater beside Weihe river , as well as the water in aquatic sports center can be easily polluted under future pumping conditions .

  2. 奥运公园几近完工,水上运动中心已经为诸如美国游泳选手MichaelPhelps等人准备好。

    The Olympic Park is mostly complete . The Aquatic Center is ready for the likes of American swimmer Michael Phelps . He will attempt to build on his record fourteen Olympic gold medals .

  3. 他指出,上周在玛莉亚•林柯水上运动中心(MariaLenkAquaticsCenter)训练和比赛的很多运动员进过这个泳池,他们的到来改变了池水的化学平衡状态。

    He noted that a lot of people had been in the pools in the past week , for practices and competitions at the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center , and that their presence had touched off changes in the water 's chemical balance .

  4. 马里兰州罗耀拉学院健身及水上运动中心&马里兰州巴尔的摩

    Loyola College in Maryland Fitness and Aquatic Center & Baltimore , Maryland

  5. 没错,到时候水上运动中心里不会有水。

    True , there will be no water for the aquatic center .

  6. 悉尼国际水上运动中心,澳大利亚

    The Sydney International Aquatic Center , NSW , Australia

  7. 水上运动中心的成本在年初至3月上升了38%。

    The cost of the aquatics centre rose by38 % in the year to March .

  8. 到目前为止,里约奥运会玛利亚·伦克水上运动中心的官员们还无法给出一个(合理的)解释。

    Rio officials at the Maria Lenk Aquatics Center have so far been unable to provide an explanation .

  9. 在水上运动中心将为你提供的浮浅齿轮和浮选背心,如果你想的话。

    The water sports centre will provide you with snorkelling gear and a floatation vest if you would like one .

  10. 北京即将建成三个竞赛场地,国家体育场,国家水上运动中心,国家室内体育场。

    Three new competition venues have been built : the National Stadium , National Aquatics Centre and National Indoor Stadium .

  11. 混合泳接力比赛在伦敦水上运动中心举行。这位27岁的名将在这次比赛中游第三棒蝶泳。最终,他帮助美国队以3分29秒35的成绩打败日本队,夺得金牌。

    The 27-year-old swam the third butterfly leg at London 's Aquatics Centre to help the United States past Japan in three minutes 29.35 seconds .

  12. 伦敦独特的比赛场地选址范围还将包括新的奥林匹克公园中的那些比赛场地,例如奥运体育馆主馆和水上运动中心。

    London 's unique range of venues will be crowned and complemented by those in the new Olympic Park , including the Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Centre .

  13. 鸟巢的附近,是国家水上运动中心,工人们正在焊接五角和六角的钢框架,以便高级的半透明的膜可以覆盖在上面。

    Next door , at the National Aquatics Center , workers are laying a framework of steel pentagons and hexagons over which a futuristic translucent material will be stretched .

  14. 在这个新加坡最大的综合性运动场,你可以享受到包括水上运动中心在内的各种游乐设施。其中还包括一个有顶棚的比赛池,屋顶网球场和舞蹈工作室。

    At Singapore 's largest integrated sports complex , you can enjoy a variety of facilities including the Aquatic Centre , which has a sheltered Competition pool , rooftop tennis courts and dance studios .

  15. 在周日与周六可以明显的看到,一部分场馆空位相当多,包括了水上运动中心,体操馆与沙滩排球场地。而其他例如赛艇、拳击、射击与手球项目等场馆则座无虚席。

    Gaps were visible at a number of venues on Saturday and Sunday , including the Aquatics Centre , gymnastics and beach volleyball - other venues such as rowing , boxing , shooting and handball were full .

  16. 深入阐述了现代游泳跳水馆建筑内场核心功能空间及功能整合设计、外场灵活功能空间及多功能设计、水上游乐休闲运动中心设计的功能设计要求。

    Thoroughly it elaborated the modern swimming diving hall construction infield core function space and the function conformity design , the outfield nimble function space and the multi-purpose design , the aquatic amusement leisure center of motion design functional design request .