
  1. 但由于所处时代不同,他们的国际合作观呈现出迥异的特点。

    But their international cooperation views had different character because of the different era .

  2. 本研究对上海辅读学校教师和特殊儿童家长的家校合作观进行了比较研究。

    The study compared teachers ' perception of home-school cooperation with that of parents .

  3. 李光耀的地区合作观

    Lee Kuan Yaw 's Conception of Regional Cooperation

  4. 辅读学校教师与特殊儿童家长的家校合作观比较研究

    Comparative Study on Teachers and Parents ' Perception of Home-School Cooperation for Children with Special Needs

  5. 本世纪初,探究交往合作观在我国得到广泛认同和传播。

    At the beginning of this century , " inquiry association cooperation in our view " widely accepted and spread .

  6. 要树立相互尊重、平等协商的合作观,有效维护发展中国家平等参与国际事务的权力;

    We should foster a cooperation outlook based on mutual respect and equal consultation and safeguard the right of developing countries to equal participation in international affairs .

  7. 国际反恐理念直接影响着国际恐怖主义犯罪刑事管辖原则的确立,其中包括恐怖主义概念的界定,反恐理念下国际合作观;

    The international anti-terrorism idea determines directly the principles of international criminal jurisdiction on terrorist crimes , including the identification of terrorism concept , and the view of international cooperation of anti-terrorism .

  8. 通过系统、全面地比较他们的国际合作观,对于我们及时总结经验、吸取教训,把中国在21世纪的国际合作推向一个新的高度具有重要的现实意义。

    By comparison of their international cooperation views , it has important meaning for us to summarize experiences and take lessons and lead China 's international cooperation to a new height in 21st century .

  9. 其四,在预算的执行过程中,必须贯彻刚性预算原则。其五,国有饭店管理者应转变视角,树立预算合作观。

    Fourth , in the budget implementation process , we must implement the " rigid budget principle . " Fifth , state-owned hotel managers should change their perspective , and build up the concept of budget cooperation .

  10. 通过对劳资关系与和谐劳资关系内涵的界定,确定了私营企业和谐劳动关系应该具备的特征(即平等合作观、利益共享观、社会责任观、人本观、诚信观和稳定观)。

    Through the definition of the labor relations and harmonious labor relations , this article puts forwards the characteristics which the private enterprises ' harmonious labor relations should have : the view of equal cooperation , humanistic , benefit sharing , honesty , stabilize , social responsibility .

  11. 贝里的合作学习观及其启示

    Ladson Berry 's Cooperative Learning Perspective and Its Inspiration

  12. 企业能力理论重新关注了企业契约的生产性,产生了企业的异质性假设,由此可引出另一种企业治理观即合作治理观。

    The competence theory of the firm focuses on the productivity of the firm contract and makes the heterogeneity postulate of firms which leads to joint governance by the human capital owners and non-human capital owners in the enterprise .

  13. 经济学界以这种冷冰冰的实用主义为荣,高高兴兴地将这种模式推广到家庭,并自鸣得意地将它与社会科学领域那些更为温和的团队合作主义价值观进行对比。

    The economics profession took pride in this bleak realism , gleefully extending the model to the family and smugly contrasting itself with the gentler communitarian values of the softer social sciences .

  14. 文章提出,战略利益观是中国云南参与大湄公河次区域经济合作的基本观,同时也是次区域各国参与和推动次区域经济合作顺利进行的基石。

    The article also put forwards that the point of Strategic Interest is the basic direction for the Yunnan Province to join the cooperation in this region , and is also the basis for other countries in GMS to participate and promote the economic cooperation successfully .

  15. 合作教学的互动观与传统教学大不相同,它不再局限于师生之间的互动,还包括教师与教师之间的师师互动、学生与学生之间的生生互动。

    The Interactive view of cooperative Instruction differs from traditional teaching method , which is not limited by the interaction between teacher and student .

  16. 文章从会话合作原则、面子观及语境几个方面来探讨言语幽默的产生及其会话含意的理解。

    This paper explores the birth of language humor and understanding of its conversational implicature from the perspectives of cooperative principle , face view and context .

  17. 随着知识经济的到来,产业结构和劳动结构正在发生深刻的变化,企业需要高级应用型技艺型人才,因而需要探索新的校企合作式课程开发观。

    With the coming of knowledge economy , the structure of industry and the structure of labour have been changing deeply . Enterprises require the talent with high applied skill .

  18. 本周,记者致电张艺谋与合作伙伴成立的观印象艺术发展有限公司位于北京的办公室,但电话无人接听。印象系列演出正是由该公司推出的。

    This week , no one has answered the phone at the Beijing offices of China Impression Wonders Art Development , the company founded by Mr. Zhang and his associates that puts on the Impression shows .

  19. 本周,记者致电张艺谋与合作伙伴成立的观印象艺术发展有限公司位于北京的办公室,但电话无人接听。

    This week , no one has answered the phone at the Beijing offices of China Impression Wonders Art Development , the company founded by Mr. Zhang and his associates that puts on the " Impression " shows .

  20. 冷战结束后,东盟安全合作进程明显加快,具体表现在合作安全观的形成、东盟地区论坛的创建和大国平衡战略的实施3个层面上。

    After Cold War there has been obviously increasing co-operation of ASEAN , including the formation of safety outlook of cooperation , the establishment of ASEAN forum and the implementation of great powers ' balance strategy .

  21. 本文运用演化博弈理论中的单群体及多群体模仿者动态模型,分析了农民合作的演化过程,揭示了农民合作的四个充分条件:传统合作价值观、政府支持、权威出现、外部资源输入。

    To analyze the peasant cooperation by using replicator dynamics , revealing the four sufficient conditions : traditional values , government supporting , the emergence of the authority , and the importation of external resources .

  22. 本论文主要致力于多机器人合作定位的研究,主要工作如下:1、通过分析多机器人合作定位中相对观测量的约束关系,构建了一种多机器人合作定位的系统模型。

    This article is mainly in research of multi-robot cooperative localization : 1 We analyse the constraints relations of relative observation in multi-robot cooperative localization and build the system model of cooperative localization in detail .