
hé shēn
  • fit;suit;well-fitting
合身 [hé shēn]
  • [fit;suit;well-fitting] 衣服尺寸适合身材

  • 上衣的双肩合身

合身[hé shēn]
  1. 我试穿了那连衣裙,但不合身。

    I tried the dress on but it didn 't fit .

  2. 我找不到合身的衣服。

    I can 't find clothes to fit me .

  3. 那件夹克穿在她身上很合身。

    The jacket sat beautifully on her shoulders .

  4. 那件短上衣很合身。

    That jacket fits well .

  5. 他们在一堆堆的二手衣服里翻找着合身的衣服。

    They rummage through piles of second-hand clothes for something that fits

  6. 布朗温的长裙虽然朴素,却很合身。

    Bronwen 's dress was plain but it hung well on her

  7. 软面料要比硬面料合身得多。

    Softer fabrics are much more becoming than stiffer ones .

  8. 每件连衣裙最后线缝都滚了边,并且加上了合身的衬裙,看起来非常漂亮。

    Each dress is beautifully finished off with piped seams and fitted underskirts .

  9. 你的穿着应该整洁漂亮,而且必须非常合身。

    What you wear should be stylish and clean , and must definitely fit well

  10. 他穿了件很不合身的绿色灯芯绒西装。

    He wore an ill-fitting green corduroy suit .

  11. 这件大衣我穿不合身。

    This coat doesn 't fit me .

  12. 你的衣服很合身。

    Your clothes fit well .

  13. 那件外衣你穿着很合身。

    The coat sits well on you .

  14. 这件上衣他现在穿太大了,不过有一天他会长得穿起来合身的。

    The coat is too big for him now , but he will grow into it .

  15. 要是我送给你的旧夹克衫不合身,就把它扔掉吧。

    If the old jacket I gave you doesn 't fit , just chuck it away .

  16. 一年多前我有能力买它,因为我让亲戚在我过生日的时候送给我钱,而不是很多不合身的衣服。

    I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn 't fit .

  17. 当我们的衬衫和牛仔裤都不合身的时候。

    When none of our shirts and jeans would fit us .

  18. 裤子合身,再请穿上背心试试,啊哈,也很合适。

    The trousers are all right ; now the waistcoat ; aha , right again .

  19. 定做的总是合身的。

    A bespoke5 suit always fits .

  20. 在圣诞节和新年之前穿着很合身的衣服,在过完节后再穿忽然变紧了,这就叫“圣诞缩水”。

    The period of time after Christmas and New Years where the clothes you wore prior1 to the holidays that fit well , all of a sudden are a little tighter than they should be , which is called " Christmas tight " .

  21. 穿什么:一件已经不那么合身的蓝色V领衣和一个围裙。

    What to wear : A loose-fitted blue v-neck , jeans , and an apron .

  22. 如果你喜欢合身的样式,穿一件V领毛衣或背心来真正“窃取”他的装扮。

    If you prefer a fitted style , pull on a V-neck sweater or vest to really capture his look .

  23. 这款3D身材扫描仪之前仅在高端商店使用,现在已普及至繁华商业区,顾客使用这款扫描仪就可以买到合身、漂亮的牛仔裤了。

    Previously available only in high-end shops , a 3D body scanner is being trialled on the high street – and promises to point shoppers to denim that fits and flatters .

  24. 2011年,斯嘉丽·约翰松(ScarlettJohansson)穿了杜嘉班纳一件合身的淡紫色带花朵图案长裙。

    In 2011 , Scarlett Johansson was decked out in a fitted lavender dress with a floral pattern .

  25. 派克表示,虽然Gap的牛仔女装业务稍有起色,但该品牌的上装,尤其是针织衫,缺乏时尚感,而且既不合身也不好看。

    While women 's denim is showing a bit of improvement , Peck said that Gap is missing the mark fashion wise on tops , particularly wovens and knits , with poor fits and an unappealing esthetic .

  26. 有人去Gap挑选一条牛仔裤,他会发现自己必须在紧身、合身、休闲、宽松、砂洗、酸洗、磨损仿古、纽扣门襟、拉锁门襟等款式中做出选择。

    Going to Gap for a pair of jeans , he finds himself having to choose between slim fit , easy fit , relaxed fit , baggy , stone-washed , acid-washed , distressed , button fly , zipper fly and so on .

  27. 合身西服(ASuitThatFits)这个充满乐观态度的名字属于一家网上企业,该企业提供种类繁多的西服款式、面料和色彩搭配方案,客户可以在自己的电脑前轻松挑选。

    A Suit That Fits is the optimistic title of an online enterprise that allows customers to choose from a huge range of suit styles , fabrics and colour combinations from the comfort of their own computers .

  28. 根据可穿戴计算机所要实现的如数据采集、通信等基本功能以及通过比较和研究RISC和CISC指令系统,最后为其量身打造合身的RISC指令系统。

    According to the basic function of wearable computer such as data collection , communication , by comparing and researching the RISC and CISC repertoire , a suitable RISC repertoire is realized . 3 .

  29. ANSR是答案,这一贯的风格,舒适,合身,站在和性能。

    ANSR is Answer , which has always stood for style , comfort , fit , and performance .

  30. 公司的内衣模特ReikoAoyama说:这款内衣穿起来要比看上去合身多了,穿着它让我心情特别舒畅。

    The bra fits much better than it looks . Wearing it puts me in such a fun mood , said model Reiko Aoyama in the lingerie .