
  • 网络denim skirt;jean skirt
  1. 印有艾尔维斯肖像的T恤衫在可与牛仔裙、牛仔紧身裤或牛仔裤进行搭配。

    T-shirts printed with images of Elvis were worn with denim skirts , denim hot pants or jeans .

  2. 小甜甜布兰妮和贾斯汀·汀布莱克出席2001年全美音乐盛典时,身着牛仔裙和牛仔西装,结果遭到一片嘘声。

    Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were pilloried when they showed up in a denim dress and a denim suit to the2001 American Music Awards .

  3. 如果你想让那条新的牛仔裙夺人眼球,请配以羊毛或者麂皮(而不是丝绸或者人造纤维)。

    If you want that new denim mini to stand out in a good way , pair it with wools and suedes ( not silks and rayons ) .

  4. 一个女人是这样变老的二十岁的时候,我穿着一条背心式牛仔裙在校园里走来走去,一说话就脸红。

    At the age of twenty , wearing a jeans jumper , I moved about on the campus , my face blushing the moment I had the inclination to make an utterance .

  5. 别让牛仔裙把你穿掉价:如果这姑娘能将她破破烂烂的裙子和紫红色的裤子换成一条活泼的九分牛仔裤,将变成别致的条纹与牛仔混搭。

    Don 't let your denim dress you down : Had this girl traded her ratty skirt and fuchsia leggings for a crisp pair of cropped jeans , she 'd be rocking a chic stripes-and-jeans combo .

  6. 据《每日邮报》报道,范宁在参加今年的戛纳电影节时,就身着露肩蓝色牛仔裙,脚穿棕色凉鞋,肩背大手提包,头戴一顶经典自然款巴拿马草帽,把休闲着装穿出了时尚范儿。

    With an off-the-shoulder denim ruffle dress , tan sandals , a tote bag and a Panama classic natural on top , Fanning transformed her casual look to chic on her way to this year 's Cannes Film Festival , according to the Daily Mail .

  7. 平底靴加小牛仔迷你裙的装扮绝不会逊色她人。

    Flat boots and a little denim miniskirt is a look that cannot be beat .

  8. 牛仔夹克、仔裙和牛仔套服等,在多数国家成千上万的店铺和街摊上随处可见。

    Jean jackets , jean skirts and suits can be found in hundreds and thousands of stores and street markets in most countries .

  9. 若想令路人眼前一亮,《魅力》杂志的建议是穿罗马鞋搭配印花裙、牛仔短裤或是牛仔裙。

    To make onlookers " eyes pop , Glamour magazine encourages you to wear your gladiators with printed dresses , jean shorts or denim skirts .

  10. Crew和BananaRepublic这样的时尚专卖店,后者最近刚推出一个牛仔服装系列,包括牛仔风衣和牛仔衬衫裙等。

    Crew and Banana Republic , which recently introduced a denim collection that includes trench coats and shirt dresses .

  11. 双牛仔——指一种穿衣风格,用牛仔夹克或牛仔T恤配牛仔裤或牛仔裙,这种搭配通常被认为是违背时尚标准的。

    Double denim1 – a style of dress in which a denim jacket or shirt is worn with a pair of jeans or a denim skirt , often regarded as a breach2 of fashion etiquette3 .