
  • 网络Niu Street;Calle Toro
  1. 论文将北京牛街作为典型案例,从时间维度和空间维度进行研究,并运用社会学的调查研究方法,关注Jamaat的社会结构和城市空间结构两个方面。

    Using sociological investigation methods , concerns aspects of both social structure and urban spatial structure ;

  2. 北京市牛街社区老年人群伤害发生现状研究

    An epidemiological study on injury of the community-dwelling elderly in Beijing

  3. 我很喜欢北京的日子,尤其是在颐和园和北海公园里结了冰的湖面上散步,以及在牛街清真寺游览的感觉。

    I enjoyed Beijing , particularly walking around the frozen lakes at the Summer Palace and Beihai , and admiring the Niujie Mosque .

  4. 目的调查北京市牛街回、汉族居民老年期痴呆的患病率并探讨其影响因素。

    Objective To survey the morbidity rate and the influential factors on dementia in the aged Hui and Han residents in Niujie area of Beijing .

  5. 第五章分析了牛街礼拜寺社会功能的变革,从其功能变革的必要性以及变革措施入手进行论述。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the change of the social function of Niu Jie temple , starting from the necessity of functional changes and reform measures discusses .

  6. 随后,采取案例分析的方式,以纠纷解决的目的和选择纠纷解决方式的影响因素理论为切入点,选取牛街地区典型民事纠纷案例对牛街纠纷解决进行分析讨论。

    Subsequently , the paper takes the case study approach to analyze civil dispute mechanism of Niujie region on the theory of the purpose of dispute settlement and impact factors .

  7. 通过对族际通婚和婚礼仪式所进行的调查,牛街回族的婚姻家庭情况已发生较大变化。

    Through the investigations in the field of intermarriage , kinship and related rites , it emphasizes the big changes happened in Hui family and marriage in these last few years .

  8. 整篇论文比较完全地展现了牛街礼拜寺的社会功能,并对其功能实现的可能性、实现过程、变革发展进行了重点论述分析。

    The entire paper show the social function of the Niu Jie temple , and the possibility of its functions , the implementation process , changes in development focus on analysis .