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  • burdock fruit;arctium fruit
  1. 牛蒡子及其提取物对大鼠肾皮质糖基化终产物的影响

    Effects of Arctium Fruit and Its Extracts on Renocortical Glycation End Products in Rats

  2. 牛蒡子提取物能明显改善STZ大鼠多饮、多食和消瘦等症状,降低尿微量白蛋白排泄率,减少肾重/体重比、减少糖基化终末产物的产生。

    Results : he extracts of arctium fruit could relieve the diabetic symptoms , diminish the excretion rate of urinary protein , and reduce the ratio of kidney weight to body weight and the production of glycation end products .

  3. 同种不同产地牛蒡子DNA指纹图谱特征研究

    Studies on DNA fingerprinting of Arctium lappa from different localities

  4. 牛蒡子合剂对糖尿病大鼠肾组织核因子-кB表达的影响

    Effects of Compound Fructus Arctii Mixture on Expression of NF - к B in Renal Tissues of Diabetic Rats

  5. 建立HPLC法测定银翘解毒片中牛蒡子苷的含量。

    HPLC method for determination of arctiin in Yinqiao Jiedu tablets was established .

  6. 牛蒡子炮制前后HPLC指纹图谱及牛蒡苷含量比较

    The Comparison of HPLC Fingerprints and Arctiin Contents between Crude and Processing Fructus Arctii

  7. 牛蒡子与牛蒡子苷对小鼠骨骼肌cAMP及其磷酸二酯酶活性和生长性能的影响

    Effects of Fructus Arctii and Arctiin on cAMP and cAMP Phosphodiesterase Activity in Mouse Skeletal Muscle and on Growth Performance

  8. 牛蒡子复方制剂对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用牛蒡子炮制前后HPLC指纹图谱及牛蒡苷含量比较

    Protective effect of compound agent great burdock achene on cerebral ischemia / reperfusion injury of rats The Comparison of HPLC Fingerprints and Arctiin Contents between Crude and Processing Fructus Arctii

  9. 方法:以牛蒡子等中药不同炮制品的水浸出物含量、HPLC指纹图谱总峰面积为指标,对两种炮制方法进行比较研究。

    Methods : two process methods were studied by the contents of the aqueous extract and the total peak area of HPLC fingerprint chromatogram of the TCM like Arctium lappa that processed in different ways .

  10. 用乙醇回流法提取牛蒡子,研究表明牛蒡子的提取的最佳的乙醇回流条件为:乙醇浓度80%,回流3次,回流时间1h,加8倍溶剂量。

    The study of extraction of Fructus Arctii using ethanol refluxing method showed that the optimum extraction conditions is using 80 % ethanol , 1 hour of reflux , 8-fold solvent and 3 times extraction .

  11. 目的体外观察牛蒡苷元(arctigenin,ACT)抗甲1流感病毒作用,为进一步确认ACT是牛蒡子FructusArctii解表功能有效成分提供实验依据。

    Object To observe in vitro inhibitory activity of arctigenin ( ACT ) against influenza A1 virus in order to make further verification of that ACT is an active constituent of Fructus Arctii for relieving exterior syndrome .

  12. 采用正交试验法,以牛蒡苷和牛蒡苷元含量为考察指标,用L9(34)正交设计表,考察炒制时间、炒制温度和翻炒频率,优选牛蒡子的最佳炮制工艺,并进行验证。

    The best processing technology was gained by taking the content of Arctiin and Arctigenin , and orthogonal design experiment L9 ( 34 ) used to investigate the factors of parching time , parching temperature and parching frequency , the validation experiments proved that this optimized processing technology was stable .

  13. β-葡萄糖苷酶水解牛蒡子苷制备牛蒡子苷元

    Preparation of Arctigenin by Hydrolysis of Arctii with β - Glucosidase

  14. 蜗牛酶水解牛蒡子苷制备苷元的研究

    Preparation of Arctigenin by Enzymolysis of Arctiin with Snail Hydrolase

  15. 牛蒡子甙元体内抗甲1型流感病毒作用的研究

    Effect of Anti - influenza Virus of Arctigenin in Vivo

  16. 牛蒡子改善糖尿病大鼠肾脏病变机制的探讨

    Study of fructus arctii on amelioration of renal injury in diabetic rats

  17. 血浆中主要代谢产物为牛蒡子苷元;

    The main metabolic production in plasma was arctigenin .

  18. 七个不同产地牛蒡子中牛蒡苷的含量比较

    Comparative study of content of arctiin in burdock fruit of seven different place

  19. 不同产地牛蒡子药学质量和种子质量比较

    Comparison of Pharmaceutical Quality and Seed Quality of Fructus Arctii in Different Places

  20. 不同产地牛蒡子微量元素测定及其对人体的作用

    The trace elements in Fructus Arctii of the different origins and its pharmacodynamic action

  21. 固态发酵-水煮耦合炮制牛蒡子提高牛蒡子苷元含量

    Enhancement of Arctigenin Content by Processing of Fructus Arctii via Solid-State Fermentation Coupled with Poach

  22. 研究了中药牛蒡子和某些具有相似荧光图谱的中药材的三维荧光图谱。

    3D fluorescence spectra of Fructus Arctii and some drugs with similar fluorescence spectra were studied .

  23. 目的探析牛蒡子汤治疗颈椎病的作用机理。

    Objectve To investigate the mechanism of Arctium lappa soup on the treatment of cervical spondylosis .

  24. 中药牛蒡子、北豆根活性成分的光谱性质及荧光分析法研究

    Spectral Property and Fluorimetric Analysis of Active Components of Chinese Medicine Fructus Arctii , Rhizoma Menispermi

  25. 目的建立不同产地牛蒡子药材综合质量评价方法。

    Objective To deal with the quality evaluation of Arctium lappa in various place with HPLC method .

  26. 结论:微波加热的方法简便、可行,可作为牛蒡子的现代炮制工艺。

    Conclusion : This method was convenient and viable , can be the modern processing technology of Fructus Arctii .

  27. 本文通过乙醇回流和硅胶柱层析分离纯化,微生物发酵等的方法开展了对牛蒡子苷和牛蒡子苷元制备的研究工作。

    In this study , Arctii and arctigenin were prepared by microorganism fermentation , ethanol reflux extraction , and silica-column chromatography .

  28. 用实验数据系统阐明牛蒡子的炮制原理。利用炮制前后牛蒡苷和牛蒡苷元的含量做牛蒡子的质量控制指标。

    Clarify the processing principle of Fructus Arctii by experiment data , with the content of arctiin and arctigenin the as control index .

  29. 介绍运用石氏家传方“牛蒡子汤”治疗颈椎病、股骨头缺血性坏死、膝骨关节炎的经验。

    His empirical presecription " Niubangzi Decoetion " was used to treat cervical spondylopathy , ischemic necrosis of femoral head and knee osteoarthritis .

  30. 目的研究牛蒡子合剂不同提取部位对糖尿病大鼠尿白蛋白和胰岛素抵抗的影响。

    ObjectiveTo study the effect of the different extracts of Fructus Arctii Composition on urinary albumin and insulin resistance of diabetes mellitus rats .