
niú juàn
  • lair
牛圈[niú juàn]
  1. 巷子靠着他姨妈牛圈后面。

    That led by the back of his aunt 's cow-stable .

  2. 牛圈银矿是冀北地区重要的独立型银矿床。

    Niujuan silver deposit is an important independent deposit in North Hebei .

  3. 看看教室的环境就像牛圈一样?

    Look at the environment of the classroom is like cattle as circle ?

  4. 当每头牛进入牛圈,他会在门上做数目记号。

    As each animal entered the pen , he marked the count on the gate .

  5. 白天牵你去吃草,黑哒牵你进牛圈。

    Daytime led you to eat grass , black and you into cow circle dalai .

  6. 咖啡在煮好后,奥立弗倒了一些在壶里然后带到牛圈里。

    The coffee boiled on the stove and Olive poured some into a pot and carried it to the barn .

  7. 三塘湖盆地经过几年的勘探,先后在马朗凹陷发现了牛圈湖、马中、黑墩油田。

    After several years of exploration , Niujuanhu , Mazhong and Heidun reservoir have been discovered consecutively in Malang sag .

  8. 吐哈油区三塘湖油田牛圈湖区头屯河组砂岩储层主要为岩屑砂岩,平均孔隙度为19。

    The Toutunhe sandstone reservoir in Niuquanhu area of Santanghu oilfield is mainly lithic sandstone , with an average porosity of19 .

  9. 汤姆绕过那一排房子,来到靠着他姨妈牛圈后面的一条泥泞巷子里。

    Tom skirted the block , and came round into a muddy alley that led by the back of his aunt 's cow-stable .

  10. 澳洲中部的农场通常都很广阔,农场主要乘摩托车或驾驶直升飞机来把羊牛圈集起来。

    Farms in the middle of Australia are usually so large that farmers use motorbikes or helicopters for the task of rounding up the sheep or cattle .

  11. 他的牛圈里装着电话,他还能准确地计算出加拿大来年的小麦产量会对他种植的农作物产生什么样的影响。

    He had a telephone in his cow-house , and he could calculate exactly what effect next year 's Canada wheat crop would have on what he planted .

  12. 最简单的想法是无论它们待在哪种的兽栏或牛圈里,这是种让牛进到斗牛场的方式。

    The basic idea is that it is a way of getting the bulls into the bull-ring from whatever kind of corral or enclosure they are being kept in .

  13. 几只小鸡还在土里刨虫子,牛儿安静的站在牛圈里,信鸽拍打着翅膀回巢了,牛在栏圈里一声不响地站着,小鱼在浅浅的小河里悠闲地吐着泡泡。

    Some chickens still claw for worms in the clay , the carrier pigeons are swinging wings back to nest , the cattle stand silently in stable , and the fishes are idly bubbling in shallow stream .

  14. 牛毛细雨下了一整夜。牛都圈在栏里过夜。

    It drizzled throughout the night . The cows were stalled in the barn for the night .

  15. 牛都圈在栏里过夜。

    Bars keep the animals inside . The cows were stalled in the barn for the night .

  16. 到了晚上,牛都要圈起来。

    The cattle are rounded up in the evenings .

  17. 再论骑驴与骑牛&汉文化圈中文人观念比较一例

    About Riding Donkeys and Oxen & An Example of the Comparision on Humanity Among the Realm of Chinese Culture

  18. “Freerange(自由放养)”这个短语通常与动物有关,指鸡或牛被放散出去自己觅食,而不是被关在笼子或牛圈里喂养。

    The expression " free range " usually relates to animals-often chickens and cows that range or go looking freely for food , rather than being closed in a cage or yard .