
  • 网络Gani
  1. 简一只脚就近蹬上马镫,转脸看着陌生人。

    Jane put one foot in the near stirrup and turned to look at the stranger .

  2. 一系列基于CCⅡ的最简一阶全通网络

    A Series of CC ⅱ - based Simplest All-pass Networks

  3. 也许我可以先化简一下。

    Well , maybe I will first factor something out .

  4. 简一路飞奔回去,结果却得知自己的母亲已经在医院去世了。

    Jane dashed back only to know her mother dead in hospital .

  5. 他看了简一眼,脸刷的红到了衣领。

    He looks at Jane and a little starts around his collar .

  6. 简一头浓密的黑发,皮肤光滑浅黑,非常漂亮。

    Jane was beautiful with her thick black hair and smooth dark skin .

  7. 简一辈子都是激进分子。

    Jane was a radical all her life .

  8. 简一点儿也不明白为什么约翰不给她打电话。

    Jane doesn 't have a clue as to why John won 't call her .

  9. 本文对纳洛酮在临床各科中的应用进展作简一综述。

    This paper is just to describe the fresh advancement of NX clinic application in various department .

  10. 噢,天啊!简一下坐在椅子上。你们锯了他的腿!

    ' Oh my God !' Jane sat down suddenly . ' You cut his leg off !

  11. 比尔给了简一本书作为圣诞礼物,作为回报,简给他买了部相机。

    Bill gave Jane a book for Christmas and in return , Jane bought a camera for him .