
  1. 胡马雍王是第二大帝王,他统治过印度、阿富汗和现在的巴基斯坦(1526年改名)等诸多地域。

    Humayun was the second of the Mughal emperors , who ruled various parts of India , Afghanistan and what is now Pakistan starting in1526 .

  2. 这段路程只有五分钟的时间,我们要穿越恶臭的小溪,经过一个巨型广告牌,广告牌上是胡马雍医生植发中心的广告。当一位秃头男老师突然长出头发时,我们都说他肯定去过了那家植发中心。

    It was a journey of just five minutes along the stinky stream , past the giant billboard for Dr Humayun 's Hair Transplant Institute where we joked that one of our bald male teachers must have gone when he suddenly started to sprout hair .