
jiǎn ér yán zhī
  • In short;in brief;briefly;sum up;make a long story short;in a few words;put it briefly;in one word;put it in a nutshell;briefly speaking;for shortness' sake
简而言之 [jiǎn ér yán zhī]
  • [make a long story short;briefly;in brief;in one word;put it in a nutshell;put it briefly] 简括地说,长话短说

简而言之[jiǎn ér yán zhī]
  1. 简而言之,穷人无饭吃,富人才有车开。

    To put it crudely , the poor are going without food so that the rich can drive cars .

  2. 简而言之,业主们认为自己最了解情况。

    In a nutshell , the owners thought they knew best

  3. 简而言之,我决定留下。

    To cut a long story short , I decided to stay .

  4. 简而言之,成功创造人工智能可能是人类文明史上最大的事件。

    In short , success in creating AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilisation .

  5. 简而言之:考虑你的听众。

    Easy : Consider your audience .

  6. 简而言之,要让自己闻起来干净,同时避免使用太多有香味的产品。

    In short , aim to smell clean and avoid putting on a lot of scented products .

  7. Insum简而言之简而言之,他是个很有原则的人。

    In sum , he is a man of high principle .

  8. 简而言之,你的身体就会接收到休息的信号。

    In short , your body gets the message that it 's time to rest .

  9. 简而言之,外骨骼就是支撑、遮盖和保护使用者的外部设备,为其提供更高水平的力量和耐力。

    In simple terms , an exoskeleton is an external device that supports , covers and protects its user , giving greater levels of strength and endurance .

  10. 简而言之,stuffocation传递的信息并不是那么积极:物品越多并不能对生活有更多益处,也不会提高生活质量,而是你需要更多的时间去处理、归置这些物品,由此带来的麻烦事儿也更多。

    In short , rather than thinking of stuff in a positive way , believing that material things are useful or pleasant and enhance our lives , stuffocation embodies4 the idea that more things equate5 to more to deal with , more to organize , and so more hassle .

  11. 简而言之,这表示延伸至整个Web,并鼓励协作解决问题。

    In simpler terms , this means reaching out to the entire Web and encouraging collaboration to solve issues .

  12. 简而言之,Java语言不是一种生产效率非常高的程序语言。

    In short , the Java language just isn 't a very productive applications language .

  13. 简而言之,web服务提供了关键的互操作特性,并为贸易伙伴和业务伙伴交互实现了一个基于标准的架构。

    In short , web services provide key interoperability features and enable a standards-based framework for trading partner and business partner interactions .

  14. 简而言之,您将看到,样例业务组件如何利用CAIAPI。

    Shortly , you will see how the sample business component utilizes the CAI API .

  15. 简而言之Cinema4D和AfterEffects的线性工作流程。

    Linear Workflow with Cinema4D and After Effects in a nutshell .

  16. 简而言之,UML元模型就是表示UML模型的一组类。

    Simply put , the UML metamodel is the set of classes that represent a UML model .

  17. 简而言之,在IMF全部的改革努力中,合法性问题是必不可少的内容。

    Legitimacy , in short , is an essential component of the overall reform effort .

  18. 简而言之,这个想法是让XM为您生成XML文档。

    In a nutshell , the idea is to let XM generate XML documents on your behalf .

  19. 简而言之,绿色GDP的计算是从传统的GDP中扣除掉使国家自然资源枯竭和退化的成本而得出。

    Simply put , Green GDP is calculated by deducting the cost of natural resources'depletion and environmental degradation from traditional GDP .

  20. 简而言之,IBMHTTPServer中使用的SSL已经为一些政府应用进行了认证。

    In a nutshell , the version of SSL in IBM HTTP Server has been certified for use in some government applications .

  21. 简而言之,Grid基础结构提供了一种标准的方式,Web服务的开发人员可以用来展示持久性数据以及他们的Web服务实例,而不管它们有什么样的特定实现。

    In a nutshell , the Grid infrastructure offers Web service developers a standard way of exposing persistent data and instances of their Web services regardless of their specific implementation .

  22. 简而言之,您需要一个有效的方式来组织XML数据和所有这些XSL样式表。

    In short , you need an efficient way of structuring your XML data and all these XSL style sheets .

  23. 简而言之,Ajax提供服务端动态内容,同时看上去像客户端动态内容。

    In short , Ajax gives you the benefit of server-side dynamic content while still looking like client-side dynamic content .

  24. 所以,简而言之,为你的组织选择ESB时,你真的应该考虑开源ESB。

    So in short , you really should consider open source ESBs when selecting an ESB for your organization .

  25. 简而言之,好消息是人人网是Facebook的成功版本,未来几年内还会继续增长。

    In short , the good news is Renren is a successful version of Facebook , one poised for years of growth .

  26. 简而言之,虽然任何SAP系统的引擎是相同的,但是每一个却运行着不同的程序。

    In a nutshell , the engine is the same for any SAP system , but each runs a different program .

  27. 简而言之,操作系统的扫描要比BIOS的扫描速度更快。

    In short , the operating system 's scan is faster than the BIOS scan .

  28. 简而言之,MOM擅长于提供流程间的异步通讯、发布-订阅(一对多)消息来传递语义和保证高可靠性。

    In short , MOM excels in providing asynchronous communication between processes , publish-subscribe ( one-to-many ) message delivery semantics , and high levels of reliability .

  29. 简而言之,G公司需要着重优化e-learning的实施过程,加深e-learning的推广和应用。

    In short , G company should focus on optimizing the implementation of e-learning so as to enhance the promotion and application of e-learning .

  30. 简而言之,我们需要做的就是生成一个页面引用列表(URL),爬虫程序通过这个列表获取信息。

    What you need to do , in short , is to generate a list of page references ( URLs ) for a crawler to fetch .