
  1. 通过实际星空观测,对连续拍摄的2037幅星图进行标定计算,每幅星图的积分时间为80ms。

    Through observing the real sky , the 2037 star maps continuously are calibrated and calculated in integration time of every star map of 80 ms.

  2. 很多因素合力才能创造出最佳的星空观测点。观测点的海拔越高,空气越干燥,离城市光污染越远,你将能在夜空中看到越多的星星。

    There are a lot of factors that work together to create optimal stargazing conditions . The higher the altitude of a site , the drier the air , and the further it is from the light pollution of cities , the more stars you can see in the night sky .