
  1. 星际气体云射手座B含有十亿的十亿的十亿升的酒精(本站站长计划不久将来要移居该处)。

    The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion , billion , billion liters of alcohol [ JFrater is planning to move there in the near future ] .

  2. 星际气体云经常在碰撞间将动能传给冲击波和辐射。

    Interstellar gas clouds frequently collide and convert their kinetic energy into shock waves and radiation .

  3. 一个冷的星际气体云的收缩,可以通过许多不同的方式来进行。

    The contraction of a cool interstellar gas cloud can proceed in a variety of ways .

  4. 目前了解的恒星形成的一个基本图象是,恒星是由一个足够大质量的星际分子气体云在其自引力作用下塌缩而形成。

    The current picture is that stars are formed during the collapse of a large enough self gravitating interstellar molecular cloud .