
  • 网络Star TV;STAR;star group;Star Group Limited
  1. 默多克为李嘉诚提供了一个有益的榜样。1993年,默多克从李嘉诚和他的次子李泽楷(RichardLi)手中买入了星空传媒(StarTV)。

    He has the salutary example of Mr Murdoch , who bought Star TV from Mr Li and Richard , his younger son , in 1993 .

  2. 事实证明,电讯技术的进步对所有威权政府都是一种明确威胁,当时默多克如是说&同年,他收购了香港星空传媒(StarTV)的多数股权。

    Advances in the technology of telecommunications have proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere , Mr Murdoch said then – the same year he purchased a majority stake in Star TV in Hong Kong .

  3. 几年前,这家公司将自己在电视广播公司&星空传媒集团中国分公司(StarChina)持有的股份削减到了50%以下。

    A few years ago it cuts its stake in broadcaster Star China to below 50 % .

  4. 五年之后,21世纪福克斯集团便将手头所持有的星空传媒大部分股份出售给了中国华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital)。

    And five years later , 21st century fox ( Fox ) sold its controlling stake in Star China to China media capital .

  5. 根据新提案,星空传媒运营的所有英语电视频道将由福克斯国际频道(foxinternationalchannels)管理。

    Under the new proposals , all the English language channels run by star will be managed by Fox International channels .

  6. 星空传媒首席执行官艾保罗(paulaiello)将于12月份离开该公司。

    Paul Aiello , chief executive of star , will leave the company in December .

  7. 在职业生涯的较早时期,他曾担任英国电信公司BSkyB和福克斯的亚洲卫星电视集团星空传媒(Star)的首席执行官。

    Earlier in his career , he was the chief executive of the British telecom BSkyB and the chief executive of Star , Fox 's Asian satellite television group .

  8. 他们的第一次相遇是在1997年的中国,当时邓文迪为默多克集团下的星空传媒工作。

    They met in 1997 when she worked for Murdoch 's Star Television in China .

  9. 星空传媒拥有约4亿观众,运营60个频道,以13种语言在53个亚洲国家播出。

    Star has about 400m viewers , operates 60 channels in 13 languages and is distributed in 53 Asian countries .

  10. 而默多克出售星空传媒的时机也颇为尴尬,媒体纷纷猜测此举和他与其华裔妻子邓文迪的离婚有关。

    The media has focused on the timing of his move , awkwardly connecting it to his recent divorce from his Chinese-born wife Wendi Deng .

  11. 邓文迪和鲁伯特的绯闻最初是在1998年出现,那时她在香港星空传媒做管理人员。

    Rumours of a romance between Wendi and Rupert first surfaced in 1998 , when she was working as an executive at News Corp-owned Star TV in Hong Kong .

  12. 报告显示,在截至9月30日的3个月中,国际电视业务的运营收益较上年同期有所增长(具体数额不详),而这项业务的主体就是星空传媒。

    It showed that operating income rose by an undisclosed amount at the international TV business , which consists primarily of Star , for the three months to September 30 over the same quarter in 2006 .

  13. 为星空传媒创造最大利润的印度业务,将独立出来,直接向詹姆斯默多克(而非香港)报告。自2007年以来,詹姆斯默多克一直负责新闻集团的亚洲和欧洲业务。

    Star 's Indian operation , which generates the most profits for the group in Asia , will become independent and start reporting directly to James Murdoch , head of News Corp 's Asian and European operations since 2007 , rather than Hong Kong .