
  • Kebab;Kabobs;Shashlik
  1. 离婚总是使我胃口大开。肉串?

    Divorce aiways gives me an appetite . kebab ?

  2. 肉串烤好了!

    The shish kebab is ready !

  3. 汉一会儿你就像肉串一样串在我的剑上!

    Soon you 'll be wearing my sword like a shish-kabob !

  4. 品尝该酒时,建议搭配烤肉或带辣味的肉串等一同食用。

    To be sipped with grilled red meats or spicy chicker kebabs .

  5. 北京街头,一个正在啃肉串的小孩。

    A child enjoys a meat skewer in Beijing .

  6. 浸泡过的肉串,在串肉扦上烹制,通常和蔬菜一起。

    Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables .

  7. 把这科可摩来的小子当成肉串

    " And skewered the boy from kokomo "

  8. 这条肉串好辣啊!

    How hot the meat it is !

  9. 人们在等待买肉串

    People waiting to be served kebabs .

  10. 与海鲜,肉串,大虾,鸡肉和色拉是完美的搭配。

    Serve chilled with barbecued seafood kebabs , king prawns or a chicken and mango salad .

  11. 肉串是我国传统的风味小吃,受到百姓的喜爱。

    Meat strings is a kind of traditional snack in China and is favored by the Chinese people .

  12. 下一次,我想我会用串肉串的木签字之类的东西。

    Next time , I will plan this , and I could use pop sticks or wooden skewers .

  13. 有空来串门,一起喝咖啡。浸泡过的肉串,在串肉扦上烹制,通常和蔬菜一起。

    Drop across and have coffee sometime cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables .

  14. 现在是午饭时间,华盛顿地区新开的一家库尔德餐厅烧烤架上的肉串已经散发出诱人的香味。

    It 's lunchtime , and kebabs are on the grill at a newly-opened Kurdish restaurant in the Washington area .

  15. 本实用新型可实现肉串自动穿制,加工过程中无需手工操作,加工成的肉串大小一致,且保证了肉串制成品的安全卫生。

    The full-automatic kabob machine can automatically puncture and connect kabobs , without manual operation , while the processed kabobs have uniform sizes , high safety and high cleanness .

  16. 在我们点上一碗馄饨和一盘里脊肉串的时候(用支付宝付账),一位现年29岁的上海国企会计师周丽娟(音译)表示,她现在几乎都不带现金了。

    As we sit over a bowl of wontons and a plate of fried pork strips ( paid by Alipay ) , Zhou Lijuan , 29 , an accountant at a Shanghai state-owned enterprise , says she hardly ever carries cash any more .

  17. 在烹饪之前你得把那肉用串肉扦串起来,否则它会散开。

    You 'll have to skewer that meat before you cook it or it will fall apart .

  18. 像烤羊腿就是极好的例子,它足以证明中东的食物不是由串肉扦串成的。

    Dishes like shawarma , roast leg of lamb , and fasulia are all excellent examples of Middle Eastern food not made on a skewer .