
chū lái zhà dào
  • 熟语just arrived
初来乍到 [chū lái zhà dào]
  • [arrive a moment ago;come just now] 刚刚来到

  1. 我初来乍到,所以对这个系统还不完全熟悉。

    I 'm new here so I 'm not completely au fait with the system .

  2. 他初来乍到,昨天才到的。

    He 's fresh off the boat , and he just arrived yesterday .

  3. 她在这里已经一年多了,可她表现得好像是初来乍到似的。

    She 's been here for over a year , but she behaves as if she 's fresh off the boat .

  4. 由玛格丽特·曹(MargaretCho)主演的情景喜剧《全美女孩》(All-AmericanGirl)正是如此。这是《初来乍到》之前关于亚裔美国人的电视节目的一次重要尝试。

    This is exactly what happened to All-American Girl , the sitcom starring the comedian Margaret Cho and the last significant attempt to make an Asian-American TV show .

  5. 在《华尔街日报》登出蔡美儿(AmyChua)的《虎妈战歌》(BattleHymnoftheTigerMother)节选后不久,黄就找到出版商,提出了想写《初来乍到》这样一本书。

    The book proposal for " Fresh Off the Boat " was sent to publishers not long after an excerpt from Amy Chua 's memoir , " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , " appeared in The Wall Street Journal .

  6. 当我在洛杉矶见到黄的时候,《初来乍到》的制作正处于一个非常紧张的时刻。几个星期前,黄在推特上突然发难,指责ABC阉割了他的书。而这时离拍摄结束只有一周时间了。

    I met Huang in Los Angeles during a time of high tension surrounding his show , a few weeks after he exploded in a Twitter tirade , accusing the network of neutering his book , and a week before shooting would wrap .

  7. 我也曾是一个初来乍到纽约的人。

    I was new in New York one time , too .

  8. 美国公司对于印度国防市场相对来说是初来乍到。

    U.S. companies are relatively new to the Indian defense market .

  9. 我初来乍到,这儿没什么朋友。

    I 'm a stranger . I have few friends here .

  10. 埃及人认为,与其他20个“初来乍到者”一起竞争是一种耻辱。

    Vying with 20 other johnnies-come-lately is humiliating , the Egyptians say .

  11. 初来乍到时认识你的人,再也不认得你。

    People who knew you when you first arrived don 't recognize you .

  12. 初来乍到,希望多认识些来自不同地区的朋友!

    Newcomer , hoping to learn more about some friends from different regions !

  13. 职场新人初来乍到。

    A newbie is new to the game .

  14. 我初来乍到。我对这里的路还不熟悉。

    I 'm a stranger here . I don 't know my way around .

  15. 保罗初来乍到,渴望结交朋友。

    As a newcomer to the area , Paul was anxious to make friends .

  16. 但对于初来乍到的异乡来说,这些友善的酒吧却犹如潜藏着有惹事危险的“地雷区”。

    But these friendly hostelries can be minefields of potential gaffes for the uninitiated .

  17. 如果《初来乍到》能成为第一个轮子,也许别人可以做出另外三个。

    If this can be the first wheel , maybe others can make three more .

  18. 像我们这样初来乍到,要克服很多困难。

    For new arrivals like us , there are plenty of difficulties to get through .

  19. 它初来乍到在她身边必会略感不安

    It 's a new pet , bound to be a bit jumpy around her .

  20. 我可常常听到你埋怨,说老外觉得我们这脏兮兮的,让初来乍到的人感到很不舒服。

    Well , I hear you complaining that foreigners find our city untidy and unpleasant for starters .

  21. 我们是初来乍到,所以暂时忍受不了这里的潮湿天气。

    We are new comers , so we can 't stand the wet weather for the present .

  22. 我想也许今天,初来乍到,我们对彼此而言都是陌生人。

    I think perhaps today , the first arrive , we are strangers to each other terms .

  23. 两个世纪前,来自远东的贫穷水手初来乍到;

    Things have come full circle since penurious sailors from the Far East first arrived two centuries ago .

  24. 对于穷人、年轻人、初来乍到者或不合格的人而言,魅力资本尤其重要。

    It is especially valuable for poor people , young people , the newly arrived and the otherwise unqualified .

  25. 成为三A公司的会员是一个很好的选择。尤其对那些喜欢外出的初来乍到者来说更是如此。

    Being a member of AAA is a good option especially for new comers who are very comfortable getting around .

  26. 在我脑海清晰浮现的第一幕场景,是一个初来乍到、渴望被邻里接纳的男孩子。

    The first scene that came clear to me involved a boy new to his neighborhood , eager to belong .

  27. 亲爱的朋友们,我初来乍到但希望开始新的篇章。

    Dear friends , I am new here and I would like to start a new thread on serious topics .

  28. 如果你初来乍到又点了鲁宾三明治,那就等着老天爷来帮你吧,这种东西他们一年到头可能也只卖过两个。

    God help you if you were a newcomer and ordered a Rueben sandwich ; they probably sold two a year .

  29. 如您所知,我们初来乍到,与可靠批发商无密切联系。

    As you know , we are a young manufacturer in this area , not closely connected with reliable wholesalers here .

  30. 虽然这批新人虽然都是初来乍到,可我发现他们有些想法还是很不错的。

    This group of new comers are wet behind the ears , but I find that they have some very good ideas .