
  • 网络begin to take shape
  1. 这个想法在他早期的小说中已初见端倪。

    The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels .

  2. 如今,随着HOPEVI再次被审批通过,城市中混合收入制项目的影响将初见端倪。

    Now , with HOPE VI up for reauthorisation , cities are seeing some results of the mixed-income experiment .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO后汇率形成机制改革初见端倪,以及经济全球化进程不断加快,汇率风险已经成为我国企业尤其是跨国公司面临的严峻挑战。

    After China became a formal member of WTO and began the exchange rate reform , foreign exchange risk and its management has been a real challenge for Chinese MNCs while globalization sped up .

  4. 中国现代主义文学的边缘宿命在当时已经初见端倪。

    China 's modernism predestination already saw the clues at that time .

  5. 世纪之交,知识经济已初见端倪。

    The new century is a knowledge economy times .

  6. 近年来细胞因子在视网膜功能重建中的作用已初见端倪。

    The role of cytokines in retinal functional reconstruction has been studied extensively .

  7. 这已在美国初见端倪。

    There are early signs of this in America .

  8. 中央管制经济初见端倪,或者说在名义上如此。

    The command economy was approached gingerly , or so it looked on paper .

  9. 这个趋势已初见端倪,一些美国大学已开始设立可以授予学位的外国分支。

    The trend can already be seen in U.S. universities establishing local degree-granting branches .

  10. 作为一门独立的艺术形式,中国舞剧于本世纪30年代初见端倪。

    As an independent art form , Chinese dance drama emerged in the early 1930s .

  11. 知识经济初见端倪,信息化成为引导社会发展的主旋律。

    With the emergence of knowledge economy , informatization holds the key to social development .

  12. 知识经济已初见端倪,新兴产业层出不穷。

    Knowledge economy has started to take shape , and new industries have kept emerging .

  13. 我国西部地区的大开发,正处于知识经济初见端倪的关键时期。

    The Western development of China is in the period of the beginning of knowledge economy .

  14. 知识经济的发展已初见端倪。知识经济社会,知识是核心,知识是关键。

    Knowledge is the core and the key of everything at the present knowledge economy society .

  15. 然而一个更严重的问题也初见端倪。

    An even bigger issue looms .

  16. 从目前合肥市房产成交量上看,政策对楼市的影响已经初见端倪。

    The present turnover in Hefei property market already shows the sign of this policy 's impact .

  17. 电子政府作为一个虚拟的社会管理服务体系,已经初见端倪。

    Electronic Government ″, as a fictitious serv ice system of social management , has its clue .

  18. 希望能抓住大好发展时机,力争在“十一五”末中国的煤层气产业化能初见端倪。

    Chinese CBM industry will take this challenge to develop well in the eleventh Five Year plan .

  19. 经过两次世界石油危机的打击,世界能源多元化的格局已初见端倪。

    The two severe strikes of worldwide oil crisis haveled to a trend in energy resources to pluralism .

  20. 在这样的背景下,高中生偶像崇拜初见端倪,并显示出一些新特征。

    Under such background , the beginning of high school student idolatry has demonstrated a few new characteristics .

  21. 随着21世纪的来临,知识经济时代已初见端倪。在新世纪新时代里,赋予高校教师的职能将发生巨大变化。

    With advent of the twenty first century , the function of the teachers in universities will change greatly .

  22. 尽管该协议到2019年才能完全生效,其影响力已经初见端倪。

    Although it is due to come into full effect only in2019 , its impact is already being felt .

  23. 自开发旅游以来,已打下了相当好的根基,旅游业的支柱地位已初见端倪。

    Since the development traveling , has built the quite good foundation , tourism prop status already beginning to appear .

  24. 随着电视数字化的进一步发展,在互联网上提供的服务也将在电视网中初见端倪。

    With the development of digital television , the Internet services provided in the television networks began to take shape .

  25. 尽管运用配价理论研究古代汉语是一个新的尝试,但研究成果也初见端倪。

    Although it is a new attempt to adopt valence theory to study ancient Chinese , the initial success has achieved .

  26. 我国进入城市化加速发展时期,知识经济初见端倪,这呼唤着智能型城市的建设。

    The newly appeared knowledge economy calls for the development of intellectual cities as China is accelerating the development of urbanization .

  27. 重庆是老工业基地,某些产业集群的发展已初见端倪。

    Chongqing is an old industrial base , some of the development of industrial clusters has shown initial signs of a clue .

  28. 但是在经历了三年的实践之后,我国的独立董事制度逐步开始发挥作用,其监督效果已初见端倪。

    After 3 years ' practice , its effects are relatively benign in so far as influencing the independent directors ' monitoring performance .

  29. 人类社会发展到今天,从经济形态上讲大体已经历了农业经济和工业经济,知识经济初见端倪。

    Considering economic formation , development of human society has roughly gone through agriculture economy and industrial economy . Knowledge economy is coming .

  30. 后被广泛应用于零售业及服务业,近年来,各行业也广泛采用精益成本管理,其实施效果的优势已初见端倪。

    Then it was widely used in retail and service industries . In recent years , other industries also widely use lean cost management .