
  1. 基于虚拟仪器技术的点火正时灯测试系统

    Measuring System for Ignition Timing Light Based on Virtual Instrumentation Technology

  2. 非延迟式点火正时灯检测原理及电路分析

    Detection Principle and Circuit Analysis of Non-delayed Ignition Timing Light

  3. 点火正时灯(正时观测灯)

    Ignition timing light ( stroboscope )

  4. 介绍点火正时灯检测原理,主要对非延迟式点火正时灯电路的组成及原理进行分析。

    The author introduces the detection principle of non-delayed ignition timing light , mainly analyzes its circuit composition and principle .

  5. 他们正忙着装灯。

    They are fixing up the light .

  6. 爆炸的时候,鬼引当时可能正站在灯的面前,然后跌跌撞撞地进了卧室死去。警察批得神援引医学检验报告说。

    Quinn was probably standing in front of the lamp when it exploded , then stumbled into his bedroom and died , Petersen said , citing a medical examiner 's report .

  7. 大功率LED具有高效、节能、环保和长寿命等优点,它正逐渐取代白炽灯和荧光灯成为21世纪的新一代照明光源。

    As a new generation of lighting in the 21st century , semiconductor lighting is gradually replacing the incandescent and fluorescent lighting due to its advantages of high efficiency , low energy consumption , low pollution and long life .