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  • Fireworks
  1. 每年你都叫我一起放烟花。

    Every year you wanna set off fireworks with me .

  2. 况且,爱放烟花有什么不对的?

    Besides , what 's wrong with lighting fireworks ?

  3. 有人沿街放烟花。

    Somebody was setting off fireworks down the street .

  4. 又一次,迎亲队伍到来前放烟花。

    Once again , firecrackers were set off just before the procession arrived .

  5. 几乎所有家庭都会放烟花爆竹。

    Almost every family will play fireworks .

  6. 有点毛毛雨,所以他们说,可能不能放烟花。

    It was drizzling , so they said they might not do the fire works .

  7. 其他选择还包括乘坐平底雪橇、放烟花或坐马车游览首都瓦杜兹。

    Other options include tobogganing , fireworks and horse-drawn carriage rides through the capital Vaduz .

  8. 人们放烟花,将缠着彩线的线轴放在屋里的小祭坛上,用这种方式来庆祝这个节日。

    People celebrate with fireworks and by placing spools of colored thread on little household altars .

  9. 根据到处竞放烟花来看,镇上正在举行某种盛大的国庆活动。

    There was some great national celebration in town , judging by the firework displays everywhere .

  10. 就因为我喜欢放烟花并不意味着我是一个纵火狂啊。

    Just because I like to set off fireworks doesn 't mean I 'm a pyro .

  11. 他们只是我行我素地在宿舍楼前放烟花,或是裸奔。

    They just went ahead and set off firecrackers in front of dorm buildings or ran naked .

  12. 新娘下轿时会放烟花,这是为了恫吓恶灵。

    Firecrackers were set off to frighten away evil spirits as the bride departed in the sedan chair .

  13. 因此,你最好老实待着,因为人们要到城镇放烟花了!

    So , you better be good , you better be nice , because firecrackers are coming to town !

  14. 他们会在一起敲击棍棒,或是击鼓,或是吹号,或是放烟花。

    They may hit sticks together , or beat on drums , or blow horns , or explode fireworks .

  15. 放烟花爆竹是过年时最传统的活动,但今年就连用公款购买烟花爆竹也被禁止。

    Even spending public funds on firework displays , the most traditional new year activity , has been banned .

  16. 但我们喜欢烟花,我们从3岁起就开始放烟花,这传统已经流传了5000多年。

    But we love it ; we have been setting off these things since we were three and for 5,000 years .

  17. 付佳伟的母亲宫玉娟告诉记者,孩子当天是在放烟花,后来就听到一声尖叫。

    Fu 's mother said she asked the boy to set off firecrackers that day and then heard a scream soon after .

  18. 春节放烟花爆竹的风俗起源于中国一个古老的传统:举着点着的竹子游行驱赶恶鬼坏运气。

    Fireworks displays during Chinese New Year stem from a custom of lighting bamboo stalks on fire to ward off evil spirits .

  19. 马克:嘿,京晶,你要来和我一起放烟花吗?

    Mark : It 's. .. true ! Dialogue 2 Mark : Hey , Jingjing , you wanna come light some fireworks with me ?

  20. 在该国反政府武装和他们的支持者会见了喜庆的决议,数以千计的人走上街头庆祝,放烟花。

    Rebels and their supporters in the country met the resolution with jubilation , as thousands took to the streets to celebrate and set off fireworks .

  21. 在过去的三十年里,吃饺子、放烟花、观看一年一度的央视春节联欢晚会已经成为许多中国家庭的过年习俗。

    Along with eating dumplings and setting off fireworks , watching the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been a Lunar New Year ritual for many Chinese families over the past three decades .

  22. 现在在瑞典,这种大型的中国新年庆祝是不会再有了(起码不能在外面放烟花)。

    Here in Sweden there is no public celebration of the Chinese New Year ( at least not outside with fireworks ) and this week is full of work with no time to celebrate .

  23. 所以当地人在元旦前会不停地放烟花爆竹,还打碎一切可以打碎的东西制造声响。

    So the locals in the New Year 's Day before we will continue with the release of fireworks and firecrackers , but also smashed all the things that can be broken to create sound .

  24. 像在我们广东,我们一般吃年糕和鸡,大人们爱喝点酒庆祝,我们也喜欢在春节时去放烟花,但这对于小孩来说非常危险,而且在一些大城市也不被允许。

    Like our Guangdong , we eat carbonado and chicken , adults will drink rack . And , we also like to set off firecrackers , but it 's very dangerous for the children , and it 's not allowed in some big cities .

  25. 听到的都以为是wynn那边放的烟花呢。

    Only ones who did thought it was the fireworks show at the wynn .

  26. Fireworks这个词语的来源于人们在庆祝某件大事时,向空中放的烟花。

    The expression " fireworks " gets its meaning from the fireworks that people shoot into the sky when they are celebrating a great event .

  27. 伦敦市中心一家自行车商店的经理斯图尔特·丹尼森(StuartDennison)说,这简直就像是军备竞赛,比比谁放的烟花最多。

    ' It 's becoming like an arms race of who can burn the most fireworks , 'says Stuart Dennison , the manager of a bicycle shop in central London .

  28. 现实生活中真爱需要经营,真爱远不是放放烟花那么简单。

    Real relationships take work and true love requires more than firework .

  29. 京晶:不说这个了,你放完烟花来我家吧。

    Anyways , when you 're done lighting off the fireworks , you can come over to my house .

  30. 人们放鞭炮,看烟花。

    They set off firecrackers and watch fireworks displays 。