
sān yuán
  • ternary;the first place at examinations
三元 [sān yuán]
  • [the first place at examinations] 指科举乡试、会试和殿试的第一名,即解元、会元和状元;明代又指殿试的前三名,即状元、榜眼、探花

三元[sān yuán]
  1. 稀土-HEDTA-丝氨酸三元体系的pH电位法和荧光光谱研究

    Study on rare earth-hedta-serine ternary system by potentiometry and fluorescence spectroscopy

  2. 一种新的三元金属氢化物Mg2CoH5的制备及性质研究

    Preparation and characteristics of a new ternary metal hydride mg_2coh_5

  3. 大多数活动的票价是一元、两元或三元。

    For most events , tickets cost one , two or three yuan .

  4. C(22)-三元酸三酯的合成

    Synthesis of C_ ( 22 ) - triesters of tricarboxylic acid

  5. TiAlY三元系相图1000℃部分等温截面重新确定

    Re-Determination of 1000 ℃ Partial Isothermal Section of the Ti-Al-Y Ternary System

  6. B4C/Na/S.S.三元体系化学相容性研究Ⅱ.相容时间及钠中氧含量的影响

    Chemical Compatibility of B_4C / Na / S.S. System ⅱ . Effects of Test Period and Oxygen Content in Sodium

  7. 随着顺应经济全球化而加入WTO,我国经济发展模式将从二元经济结构转向三元经济结构。

    With Chinese entering WTO , the pattern of Chinese economic development will transform from dual-economy to tri-economy .

  8. 铸态Ti-Zr-(Ni,Co)伪三元准晶合金研究

    Investigation on As-cast Quasicrystalline Alloys in the Ti-Zr - ( Ni , Co ) Pseudo-ternary System

  9. PVA与AA、AM三元共聚物的合成

    The Synthesis of Tri copolymer of PVA , AA and AM

  10. GaAs三元异质外延层厚度测量的X射线衍射比强度法

    X-Ray Diffraction Intensity Ratio Method for the Thickness Measurement of Ternary Heterogeneous Epitaxial Layers on GaAs Substrate

  11. 三元层状Ti2AlC陶瓷强化TiAl基复合材料的研究

    Research on Application of Layered Ternary Ti_2 AlC Ceramic Strengthening TiAl Matrix Composites

  12. R-(Cu,Ni)二元和三元体系相图及相形成规律

    Phase Diagrams and Regulations of Alloy Phase Formation of R - ( Cu , Ni ) Binary and Ternary System

  13. 磺化乙丙三元胶(EPDM)离聚物的制备及其性能研究

    Preparation of sulfonated EPDM ionomers and Study on their properties

  14. 通过对化学镀NiP层进行合金化,获得了一种含W9.7%.P5.9%的NiWP三元合金镀层。

    A new tertiary alloy deposit of Ni-W-P containing 9.7 % of tungsten and 5.9 % of phosphorus was developed by alloying the electroless nickle coatings .

  15. 根据热力学计算结果,在Ti、Al和C三元系统中,TiC是最稳定的中间产物。

    According to the results of thermodynamics calculation , for Ti , Al and C system the most stable compound in thermodynamics was TiC .

  16. 实验研究了大庆油田所用ASP三元复合驱替液的驱油效率与碱浓度之间的关系。

    The oil displacement efficiency of the ASP combinational flooding solution of varying alkaline concentration used at Daqing is studied experimentally .

  17. TPD软件绘制水盐体系三元相图

    The Plotting Ternary Phase Diagram of Salt Solution by TPD Software

  18. 单纯形优化法研究V(V)-NH2OH-PAR三元配合物组成比

    Simplex Optimization Method for the Composition Determination of V ( V ) - NH_2OH-PAR Ternary Complex

  19. 为了提高叶轮机械设计工作的效率,将CAD技术与三元流计算结合起来,开发适合叶轮机械的CAD软件。

    In order to greatly improve the efficiency of designing turbomachines , combining the CAD technology with 3D flow calculation , A CAD software for turbomachines is developed .

  20. 采用正交设计法,研究了合成以CR为基础的三元接枝共聚胶粘剂的较佳配方和工艺条件。

    Abstract : The synthesis and adhesive strength of neoprene-based three-component graft copolymer ad - hesive have been investigated by using the Latin square design .

  21. 利用Green公式及调和函数的性质,系统地研究三元调和函数在空间区域Ω内、外及边界上的积分表达式;

    By using the green formula and the character of harmonic function , the integral expression of ternary harmonic function in the spatial region Ω, outside and on the boundary were studied .

  22. 移动终端;MMI软件;三元搜索树;消息驱动机制;

    Mobile terminals ; MMI software ; Ternary search tree ; Message-driven mechanism ;

  23. 计算了与Sn&Zn-M(M:Bi,In,Ag)无铅钎料相关的二元及三元合金体系的表面张力,计算值与文献中的实验值在误差范围内有较好的一致性。

    The surface tensions of binary and ternary alloy systems related to Sn-Zn-M ( M : Bi , In , Ag ) lead-free solders are calculated .

  24. 研究结果表明,5%的三元乙丙橡胶即可大幅度提高LLDPE的弯曲疲劳性能;

    The results showed that the bending fatigue property of LLDPE was improved with 5 % of EPDM .

  25. 离心压气机三元流场计算方法的改进Stokes流边界元的计算

    Improvement on the Calculation of Three-dimensional Flow in a Centrifugal Compression Impeller Computational Methods of the Boundary Element for Stokes Flow

  26. 选用不同产地、不同组成的铈锆固溶体材料,在相同条件下附载贵金属(Pt、Pd)制备三元催化剂做汽车尾气催化剂。

    In the experiment , Ce-Zr composite material of different composition & origin was selected to make three-way catalysts with precious metal ( Pd / Pt ) .

  27. 采用三元一次回归正交试验设计对番茄椒(tomatosweetpepper,tsp)进行N、P、K配方施肥,研究其对产量及品质的影响。

    Trinomial one time regression orthogonal design was used to fertilize the tomato sweet pepper with N , P and K according to prescription and study its effect on yield and quality .

  28. 低钨含量W-Ni-Fe三元合金的预应变时效

    Strain aging of W-Ni-Fe ternary alloys with low tungsten content

  29. 在分析了三元光栅操作码的基础上,讨论了实现WINDOWS点位图透明显示的方法,并用布尔代数解释了实现点位图透明显示的原理。

    On the basis of analysis of the ternary raster operation code , the method of transparent display of windows bitmap is discussed , and its principle is explained by use of Boolean algebra .

  30. Al-Zn-Mg系三元合金闪光对焊接头层状裂纹研究

    The lamellar tearing in flash-butt welded joint of al zn mg alloy