
  • 网络production batch;lot;Production Lot
  1. 文章介绍了如何用数据库系统实现对药品生产批记录的管理,并实现对药品生产的质量追踪。

    This paper introduces how to realize the management of batch records and the pursuit of quality in drug production by the database system .

  2. 在生产与操作过程中,以不同的间隔对生产批的代表性样品进行取样,以确保最终产品的质量。

    Representative samples of the batch are sampled at various intervals during production and processing to ensure quality of the final product .

  3. 生产批前有无进行首检,并备有检验记录?

    Is a piece part inspected prior to production runs and actual readings recorded ?

  4. 每年,常规的稳定性数据也可用于支持产品或工艺的改进,对保证持续的生产批质量有着举足轻重的作用。

    Annual , routine stability studies also can be used to support product or process modifications and are vital for ensuring the continuous quality of production batches .

  5. 按实验筛选出的最佳处方在符合GMP要求的冻干车间中试生产三批注射用盐酸莲心碱,绘出冻干曲线,并对其性状、含量、有关物质、稳定性等进行考察。

    The freeze-drying curve was obtained when the lyophilization injection formula was produced in GMP workshop ; the physical and chemical properties including content , relative matter and stability of the injection were evaluated .

  6. 在综述批加工设备调度研究成果的基础上,提出了同时考虑即将到来工件与下游设备负载情况的半导体生产线批加工设备调度规则(SchedulingRuleforBatchProcessingMachinesinSemiconductorWaferFabricationFacilities,SRB)。

    Based on summarization of the state-of-the-art researches on scheduling for batch processing machines of semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities , the scheduling rule for batch processing machines in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities ( SRB ), considering future arrival lots and workloads of their successive machines , was proposed .

  7. 半导体生产线批加工设备调度规则

    Scheduling Rule for Batch Processing Machines of Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities

  8. 流程卡:用于生产物料批追溯管理的表单。

    Traveler : table used to batch tracing management of production materials .

  9. 结果生产层次批质量合格率为98.2%;

    Results For industrial level , hatch qualified rate was 98.2 % ;

  10. 如果对中间体和原料药的质量没有危害,可以连续生产几批后清洗。

    Multiple successive batching without cleaning can be used if intermediate or API quality is not compromised .

  11. 就像你能看见的一样,生产一批羊肠线是很慢并且复杂的过程。

    As you can see , producing one set of natural gut string is a long and involved process .

  12. 针对铝锭生产集成批调度问题,建立了一个混合整数线性规划模型。

    A mixed integer linear programming model is established for the integrated batching and scheduling problem of the aluminium ingot production .

  13. 重复这过程,每生产一批,就是要生成疫苗需要的数量。

    When one batch has been produced , the process is repeated as often as needed to generate the required amount of vaccine .

  14. 编码相同也就是形状特征相同,所以可以编制出一套相同的加工工艺组织生产这批零件。

    Coding is the same as the shape of the same , it can produce the same set of processing production of these parts .

  15. 在相同条件下,分别用豚鼠脑毒种和细胞毒种各生产3批病毒原液,经相同纯化工艺制备成精制狂犬病疫苗。

    Under the same conditions and the same procedure , three batches of virus supernatants with different viruses ' strain and purified into rabies vaccines .

  16. 生产每批抗原约需2周时间,每隔几天便可开始新一批的生产。

    Producing each batch , or lot , of antigen takes approximately two weeks , and a new batch can be started every few days .

  17. 有先进的自动电镀流水线,有专业生产螺丝批、料制品、色拉棒和热处理的全套设备。

    It possesses advanced full electroplated flow line , the full equipments which is specialized in manufacturing screwdriver , plastic ware , dual colors stretching rod and heat treatment .

  18. 正如你所料想的那样,在创业之前,你需要知道实际上将由谁生产第一批产品或服务,以及生产成本是否在你的预算范围之内?

    As you might expect , before launch , you need to know who 's actually going to produce the first set of products or services , as well as whether they can do so within your budget .

  19. 以现有的优势资源为基础,加强科技创新和知识产权保护,生产一批具有市场竞争力的产品,是实现农民增收、农业产业结构调整和农村经济发展的重要途径。

    By strengthening the innovation and the protection of intellectual property rights , and producing a number of competitive products , we can increase the income of farmers , adjust the rural industrial structure , and develop the rural economy .

  20. 他生产的第一批CFL是圆环形或U形,需要专门的固定装置。

    His first CFLs were circular or U-shaped and required a special fixture .

  21. 生产了一批免疫胶体金试纸条,检测36份临床样本,其中30份经免疫胶体金试纸条及ELISA、免疫荧光检测均为阳性。

    A batch of colloidal gold test papers was manufactured and 150 clinical samples were detected , 30 of which were positive by both ELISA and immuno_fluorescence .

  22. 目的对国内市售三药厂生产的9批注射用水溶性维生素样品(AV、CV和DV)进行质量比较,为临床应用提供参考。

    Objective To evaluate the quality of three different products ( AV , CV and DV ) of water-soluable vitamin for injection .

  23. 结果用CEAD测定了标准品Derf2的系列浓度,绘制标准曲线,线性好。并测定了药厂生产的各批不同浓度的粉尘螨注射液的Derf2含量。

    Results To detecting a series of concentrations of Der f2 standard and the Der f2 contents of each batch of injection of Dermatophagoides farinae from pharmaceutical factory using CE ? AD method .

  24. 建厂当年即生产了一批11马力低速柴油机和酒精塔等产品。1952年厂址由潍县坊子迁于现址。

    In the same year , the factory has set up and manufactured11hp low-speed diesel engines and alcohol towers .

  25. 此特点用该厂1971~1982年生产的8批同型胨得到重现。

    This was confirmed repeatedly by using 8 lots of peptone produced by the above mentioned factory in 1971-1982 .

  26. 威廉门罗,马赛诸塞州康科德城的一个橱柜制造者,在美国生产了第一批铅笔。

    William monroe , the concord , massachusetts , cabinet-maker , made the first pencils in the United states .

  27. 协助入驻企业生产的第一批产品列入省政府采购计划。

    Assist the setting-in enterprises to put their first batch of products in the government procurement plan of Liaoning province .

  28. 而相对于连续生产,化工批处理生产过程的自动化和生产管理问题比较复杂,所以到目前还有许多尚待解决的问题。

    Particularly , many tough problems exist in the production of chemical batch processes in comparing with the continuous ones .

  29. 结果同一生产单位不同批的人胎盘组织液指纹图谱基本一致;

    Results The HPLC fingerprints of the human placenta tissue hydrolysate of different lots produced by the same manufacturer were essentially in agreement .

  30. 方法采用化学鉴别、紫外吸收光谱与高效液相色谱法对四个不同厂家生产的4批样品进行定性、定量分析。

    Methods : The four samples from different manufacturers were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by means of chemical identification , UV and HPLC .