
  • 网络conformity of production
  1. 摩托车(轻便摩托车)工况法排放标准中生产一致性检查的统计原理

    The Statistical Theory of the Checking of Conformity of Production Described in the Standards of Exhaust Emissions from Motorcycles ( Mopeds ) under Running Mode

  2. 型式认证和生产一致性中应使用燃油。

    Fuel used on certification test and production conformity test .

  3. 这种方法效率低,主观成分多,生产一致性很难控制。

    This method is inefficient and subjective ; and it is difficult to control the coherence .

  4. 化油器生产一致性质量控制直接影响发动机排放生产一致性水平。

    The quality control of the production compliance of carburetors has direct influences upon the production compliance of engine emissions .

  5. 采用氧传感器的闭环控制,能够满足排放法规对生产一致性的要求。

    The closed-loop control with an oxygen sensor equipped can meet the requirements of production conformity stipulated in the emission regulation .

  6. 收集了74种轻型车新车排放生产一致性试验数据,从轻型车排放生产一致性评价的定义出发,对其影响因素进行了统计分析和研究。

    This paper collected test data about conformity production of 74 kinds of light duty vehicles , based on the evaluation definition of the conformity production and analyzed statistically the influence factors of conformity production .

  7. 目前,微波组件多采用薄膜或微波介质片工艺制造,其调试靠手工操作来完成,制造成本较高,生产一致性差。

    At present , the modules ' production cost is comparatively high because the module is often produced with thin film or microwave PC board and the circuits tuning is often completed by experienced technician with manual operation .

  8. 指出由于其具有价格便宜、技术成熟、生产一致性好和比功率高等特点,仍将是低成本电动车辆动力源和传统汽车辅助电源的选择。

    Lead-acid battery has the benefits of low-cost , mature technology , cell consistency and high specific power , that will make it the battery of choice in low-cost electric cars and the auxiliary electric energy storage system in traditional automobiles .

  9. 混凝土:规格,性能,生产和一致性。

    EN206-1 : Concrete : Specification , performance , production and conformity .

  10. 实际上,中国本土品牌还有很多事情要做,特别是要提高产品的设计和工艺水平、生产的一致性和质量。

    Well there 's still a lot to do in terms of product design and engineering , production consistency and quality .

  11. 在汽车车身制造(焊装)过程中,制造精度是关键质量控制因素,它可以影响到大批量生产的一致性。

    The accuracy of manufacturing is the key factor of quality control in the process of manufacturing ( welding ) automobile white-body , which can impact on the consistency of high-volume production .

  12. 小样试验是冷轧堆染色前非常重要的一个环节,其颜色与实际生产的一致性是提高染色生产颜色准确性的关键。

    The beaker test is an important work before the process of cold pad-batch dyeing . The color consistency of test samples and production is a key factor influencing the veracity of dyeing production .

  13. 在检验过程中,选取了一部分反映商业银行个体特征的控制变量,从而放宽了对生产技术一致性的假设,使得估计结果能够体现出不同银行个体特征对其生产技术的影响。

    During the empirical study , some control variables which reflect the banks ' individual characteristics are selected so that the assumption of the same production technology is relaxed , which makes the estimation results can reflect different production techniques .

  14. 应当根据已接受的标准和与生产工艺的一致性来制订合适的原料药质量标准。

    Appropriate specifications should be established for APIs in accordance with accepted standards and consistent with the manufacturing process .

  15. DSU频率转换二极管技术确保在生产过程中的一致性。

    The JDSU Frequency Converted Diode technology ensures consistency in the manufacturing process .

  16. 2种作物水分生产函数模型的一致性分析

    Analysis of Consistency about Two Crop Water Production Function Model

  17. 在实验和分析的基础上,确定了这类玻璃的退火工艺,保证了折射率生产和使用的一致性。

    Based on the results and the analysis , we have made certain the arts of this kind of glass , and made sure the consistency of refractive index in manufacture and usages .

  18. 最后介绍基于上述控制模型和算法实现的连续式搅拌站,具有效率高、节能及生产的混凝土指标一致性好等特点。

    Also the paper demonstrates the high efficiency and energy saving of the station and the good index consistency of the concrete produced by the station , based on the PID controlling model and arithmetic .