
shēnɡ tài zhǒnɡ
  • ecospecies
  1. 应用NMDS排序技术,分析了太白红杉林下草本植物生态种组的特点,探讨了各林分类型与环境因子的关系,从而为保护经营这一珍稀植物群落提供了科学依据。

    The ground-flora was analysed with NMDS ordination to understand the relationship between the stand types and environmental factors , which procided a scientific basis for conservation of this rare phytocommunity .

  2. Pearson相关星座图将22个优势种分为4个生态种组,各生态种组内的种有相同的资源利用方式和生态要求,各种组间有互相转化和演替的趋势。

    The dominant species were divided into 4 ecological groups by using Pearson constellation diagram and we concluded that the species in the same ecological groups had the same way of utilizing resources and the species in different group had the trend of transform and succession .

  3. 根据Spearman秩相关星座图,将20个优势种划分为4个生态种组,各生态种组内的种具有相似的生态适应性,而组间则表现出明显的差异性;

    Based on the Spearman constellation diagram , 20 dominant species were divided into four ecological species groups . The species in the same ecological species groups had similar ecological adaptability to habitats and those in different groups had apparent differences .

  4. 中国茸鹿品种(品系)的生态种特征

    The Characteristics of Ecological Species of Velvet-deer Breeds or Strains in China

  5. 草本植物被划分成6个生态种组,即酢酱草生态种组;

    Herbaceous were divided to 6 ecological species groups , i. e. , Oxalis ESG ;

  6. 江蓠生态种约为4800米烛光;

    At 4800 Lux for G.

  7. 种间联结性指标可作为划分生态种组的重要依据之一。

    Interspecific association index can be divided into ecological species groups as an one of the important basis .

  8. 根据物种对生境的要求并结合种间联结系数星座图,11个物种可以划分为2个生态种组。

    According to the constellation diagrams , 11 species can be divided into two ecospecies groups in Artemisia sacrorum community .

  9. 不同生态种组树种的幼苗在林隙与非林隙斑块中的更新表现出显著的差别。

    Recruitment of the seedlings for the different ecological groups of species in gap patches differed from that in non-gap patches were found significantly .

  10. 阐明了生态种组与植物群落及立地的关系。

    Therefore the correlation of ecological group of species , plant community and environment could be used as a basis for classifying site types .

  11. 利用离差平方和法对生态种组进行等级聚类,结合实地调查结果,将48种蝗虫划分为三大类12个生态种组。

    Adopted Sum of Deviation of Square to clustered ecological species groups , and thus divided 48 grasshopper species into 3 main category , 12 ecological species groups .

  12. 对52个优势种划分为2组:栓皮栎生态种组和山楂生态种组。

    The 52 dominant species is divided into two groups : ( 1 ) Quercus variabilis ecological species group and ( 2 ) Crataegus maximowiczii ecological species group .

  13. 研究反映了6个生态种组之间在山地地形上鲜明的格局差异,并显示了山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林带上常绿和落叶种类数量变化的梯度特征和相对间断性。

    This was designed to show gradients of change and discontinuities of evergreen vs. deciduous species numbers perpendicular to the mountain mixed forest zone of evergreen and deciduous species .

  14. 为了进一步了解湿地中植物群落的结构与演替情况,还进行了植物的种间相关研究,并划分了生态种组。

    In order to get further understanding about the structure and succession of plant communities in the wetland , we investigated the relationship among plants and divided ecological species groups .

  15. 植物与地形因素的相关分析表明,不同的种对地形的适应性有差异,群落中的9种主要植物可以分为4个生态种组。

    The topographic adaptation of these species is different , and according to their respect to topography , these nine species are classified into four groups using hierarchical cluster analysis .

  16. 秦岭中段天然油松林生态种对和功能群划分以树轮宽度重建秦岭中段分水岭地区1&7月平均气温

    Classification of Ecological Twin Species and Plant Functional Type for Natural Pinus tabulaeformis Forests in Middle Part of Qinling Mountains Reconstructed Mean Air Temperature from January to July at the Divide Sampling Site in the Mid-Qinling Mountains with Tree-Ring Widths

  17. 南极生物链中的关键初级生产力是微藻,南极冰藻是极好的生态指示种。

    The microalgae are the key primary producer of Antarctic biological chain , and the Antarctic ice algae are good indicator species for the ecological environment .

  18. 基因生态同群种,它指在基因型上与其它有所不同的生态同群种。

    Genoecodeme , an ecodeme differs from others genotypically .

  19. 各月份、地点和生态类型的种&多度基本上都服从Preston对数正态分布。

    The species-abundance model of different month , site and ecotype all match basically to Preston 's lognormal distribution .

  20. 磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)是研究地下水微生物生态的一种新兴技术,它比基于培养基的传统方法有许多明显的优势,但同时也存在一些需要解决的问题。

    As a young technology used in groundwater microbial ecology , PLFA technology overcomes several shortcomings of traditional culture-based approaches and has a number of advantages . However , there are still a few of problems to be solved when PLFA technology is applied .

  21. 生态系统关键种理论的研究进展

    Developments of the Studies on the Theory of Keystone Species in Ecosystems

  22. 生态系统优势种演替模型的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis on succession models for dominant species in ecosystem

  23. 不同生态区8种芸芥根系生物量的初步研究

    Study on root system biomass of different ecotypes of Eruca Sativa Mill

  24. 景观生态&一种综合整体思想的发展

    Landscape ecology & the developement of a holistic concept

  25. 生态位和种间联结是群落动态研究的焦点之一,物种间相互作用影响着群落的恢复和演替。

    Interspecific interactions affect restoration and succession of community .

  26. 渔业生态的一种捕食模型

    A Model of Catching Food in Fishery Ecology

  27. 林业生态工程10种森林生态效益计量理论和方法

    The Measurement Theory and Method of 10 Forest Ecological Benefits for Forestry Ecological Engineering

  28. 自然生态美三种形态的划分及理论意义

    Three Divisions of Eco-beauty and its Theoretical Significance

  29. 生态系统关键种理论:新思想、新机制、新途径

    Theory of keystone species in ecosystems : new idea , new mechanism , new approach

  30. 烟青虫和棉铃虫在烟草上的生态位及其种间竞争

    The niche and interspecific competition of oriental tobacco budworm and cotton bollworm in tobacco plants