
  1. 土壤磷素活化剂可作为番茄绿色生态肥料。

    Results indicated that the soil phosphorus activator could be used as a enviromental safety fertilizer for tomato cultivation .

  2. 药肥是指通过一定的工艺技术将肥料和农药稳定于特定的复合体系中而形成的新型生态复合肥料。

    Fertilizer is mixed by a certain percentage of fertilizer and pesticide formulations , and through a certain process and production of pesticides and fertilizer compound .

  3. 应用~(15)N示踪技术研究了塑膜覆盖生态系统中肥料氮的循环。

    15N was used to study the cycling of fertilizer N in the ecosystem of film mulching .

  4. 猪粪经家蝇幼虫生态处理后肥料养分和微量元素含量变化的研究

    Quantitative Change of Nutrients and Trace Elements in a Pig Manure Ecologically Treated by Housefly Larvae

  5. 高原沟壑区农田生态系统中的肥料投入

    Fertilizer Input to Field Eco-system of Plateau-Gully Region

  6. 提出了利用纤维素生物转化生产生态饲料和生态肥料是实现纤维素高值化的研究方向。

    The study of ecotypic feed and fertilizer made from cellulose by bioconversion will be the direction in the fields of feed and fertilizer and it also can increase the value of cellulose .