
  • 网络ecological energy-saving
  1. 论文第一部分,运用DeST软件,模拟了不同类型中庭建筑的室内热环境,提出了中庭空间的生态节能设计策略。

    In the first part of this thesis , computer program Dest is used to simulate the indoor thermal environment of different types of atrium buildings in the climate and common construction condition of Beijing area .

  2. 广州移动通信枢纽楼生态节能设计理念介绍

    Idea of Ecology and Energy-saving in Guangzhou Mobile Pivot Building Design

  3. 建筑生态节能的宏观策略与实施技术体系

    Macro Strategy and Operational Technology System of Ecological and Energy-Efficient Building

  4. 生态节能建筑的新能源利用

    The Utilization of New Energy in Ecology Energy Saving Building

  5. 从徽州民居看现代住宅的生态节能设计

    Discuss the modern residence design of ecologic energy saving from Huizhou traditional village

  6. 生态节能建筑在房地产开发中的应用分析

    Applied Analysis of Energy-Saving Ecotecture in Real Estate Development

  7. 办公建筑的生态节能设计

    The Ecology Energy Saving Design of Office Building

  8. 如何设计生态节能建筑

    How to Design Ecological and Energy-saving Building

  9. 建筑节能提倡采用生态节能技术,尤其是建筑绿化节能技术。

    Building energy efficiency are promoted to use ecology technology , especially green energy-saving technology for buildings .

  10. 生态节能建筑的设计与推广是当今居住建筑发展的主题。

    The main theme of current living residential constructions is the design and popularize of the ecological buildings .

  11. 探索苏北新农村建设中的生态节能型住宅设计方法

    Exploring the Design Method of Ecological and Energy-Saving Residence in Construction of New Socialist Countryside in Northern Jiangsu Province

  12. 德国建筑的生态节能技术位于世界前列,大量旧建筑通过节能改造达到甚至超越了现行的能耗标准。

    German architecture are well known for its green techniques for energy conservation which are ahead of most countries in the world .

  13. 介绍了德国当前的建筑节能理念和实际技术的应用,并针对中国目前情况提出建筑生态节能设计系统的概念及其重要组成部分;

    The paper makes an account of the new concept of building energy saving and application of practical techniques in today 's Germany .

  14. 最后归纳总结出夏热冬冷地区坡屋顶构造应该不仅结合当地地域环境和施工条件还应采用新材料,新的生态节能技术来设计。

    Finally , it summarizes that slope roof building in hot summer and cold winter area should cater to local weather and environment .

  15. 面对日益严重的全球化能源危机及巨大的建筑能耗,生态节能建筑越来越受到重视。

    Ecological and Energy Efficient Building is getting more and more attention due to the serious global energy crisis and the huge building energy consumption .

  16. 该事务所在建筑生态节能、对各种材料的运用、与环境协调及低造价建筑的设计研究上颇具独到之处。

    They did well in the design and research of ecological architecture , material use , environment hamony , as well as of low-cost construction .

  17. 现阶段国际能源危机加剧,建设生态节能建筑,势在必行。

    Now , the international energy crisis is pricking up , so to build the ecologic and energy saving construction is imperative under the situation .

  18. 建筑对太阳能的利用及太阳能建筑一体化的研究逐渐成为建筑生态节能设计的热点问题。

    The construction gradually becomes the construction ecology energy conservation design to the solar energy use and the solar energy construction integration research the hot topic .

  19. 20世纪80年代之后,瑞典的居住状况得到基本解决,居住建筑的焦点开始转向工业化生产方式以及生态节能措施。

    After 1980s , Swedish housing problem was basically resolved . The focus turned to the industrialization of construction and the measures of ecology and energy saving .

  20. 早在1992年塞维利亚世博会就开始了对生态节能的建筑技术各种途径的探索与尝试,并取得了一定的成就。

    As early as 1992 World Expo in Seville began the construction of eco-energy technologies to explore and try a variety of ways , and have achieved some success .

  21. 基于被动控制理论建立生态节能技术教学框架,引导学生在建筑设计中片段性应用生态节能理念;

    The teaching framework of eco - logical energy saving technique based on passive control theory directs the students to the snippy application of eco - logical energy saving idea to building design .

  22. 广州移动通信枢纽楼是根据常规的建造技术、运用生态节能建筑理念进行设计的综合性办公建筑,是一次建筑设计走向环保与节能趋势下的有效实践。

    This project is a comprehensive office building designed by conventional techniques of construction with eco - logical energy-saving idea . It is an effective practice under the trend of environmental protection and energy saving .

  23. 更重要的是绿色材料和绿色技术的应用,在满足生态节能的基本功能要求之外,还应该在视觉上给人以美的享受,并且与环境和谐共处。

    More importantly , green materials and green technology , to meet the ecological requirements of the basic functions of energy , but also should be visually appealing to enjoy the beauty and harmony with the environment .

  24. 尽管绿化工作近年来得到了普遍重视和较大发展,但是长期以来在绿化规划中,只强调了美化环境的景观功能,而忽略了其生态节能效应。

    The planting have being emphasized and expanded during recent years , but in the planting plan , just the function of beautifying the environment is concerned and the function of ecological and saving energy are neglected .

  25. 根据办公建筑的空间类型和能耗特点,分析几种适用的被动式生态节能技术,并提出实现生态节能办公建筑的几个设计要点。

    Based on the space type of the office building and its characteristic of energy consumption , several applicable passive solar-energy-utilization techniques is analyzed , and some design points that could be carried out in the economization of office building are put forward .

  26. 上海世博会展示了人类最新科技成就,如新一代移动通信、人工智能、新材料、生态节能建筑等,彰显了人类无尽的智慧和创造力。

    Expo 2010 Shanghai has shown mankind 's latest achievements in science and technology , such as the new generation of mobile communications , artificial intelligence , new materials and eco-friendly construction , and they speak volumes about the immense human wisdom and creativity .

  27. 有关城市绿化与生态及节能的思考

    Thoughts about city - virescence and zoology power-conserving

  28. 建筑·生态与节能

    Building · Ecology and Energy Saving

  29. 笔者认为顺应和利用自然才应该是生态和节能战略首先应该考虑的。

    The author believe that adapting and corresponding to nature should be the key factor needed in ecological and energy-saving strategy .

  30. 如何使我国木构建筑技术跟上世界先进技术,以及将生态、节能的理念应用于建筑工程中,使建筑业保持可持续性的发展,是建筑行业面临的重要问题。

    It is important that how to improve our level of the wooden technique , and how to use the nation of biology balance , energy saving .