
  • 网络biodiversity index;Diversity Index
  1. 尝试用三个生物学指标即:Q值、生物多样性指数和优势种指示生物评价内河污染状况。

    Water quality was evaluated with three biological standards ( Q B / T , Shannon & Weiner diversity index and indicator organisms of dominant species ) .

  2. 宜春2004年生态盈余1.32ha/cap,生物多样性指数0.88,发展能力指数1.26,万元GDP生态足迹2.61ha;

    In 2004 , for Yichun , ecological surplus is 13.2 ha / cap , ecological diversity index is 0.88 and development capacity index is 1.26 , ecological footprint of 10 ~ 4 yuan GDP is 2.61 ha ;

  3. Excel在计算群落生物多样性指数中的应用

    On Application of Excel in Calculating the Biodiversity Index of Communities

  4. 这和分别应用营养状态指数(TSI)和生物多样性指数(DI)进行评价的结果相似,表明运用Exergy、结构exergy和生态缓冲容量指标对湖泊生态系统健康状况进行评价的方法是可行的。

    Therefore it is feasible to use exergy , structural exergy and ecological buffer capacity to evaluate the health state of lake ecosystem .

  5. 调查结果表明:人工鱼礁投放后鱼礁区生物多样性指数和丰度均有所增加;鱼礁区CPUE比投礁前增加1倍左右,其中鱼类的CPUE增加最多。

    The CPUE in reef area was double than that before casting the reefs , in which CPUE of fish increased obviously .

  6. 同时,还发现群落的Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数等生物多样性指数的季节性变化明显,春季和冬季的多样性较低,夏季和秋季较高。

    Meanwhile , there were apparently seasonal changes in total of species , index of Shannon-Wiener and index of evenness . The biodiversity and index of evenness were lower in spring and winter than in summer and autumn .

  7. 结果表明:沙棘(Hippophaerhamnoides)灌丛、草地、油松(Pinustabuliformis)林地和中间锦鸡儿(Caraganainter-media)灌丛等土地利用类型的生物多样性指数较高;

    The results showed that seabuckthorn brushwood ( dominated by Hippophae rhamnoides ), grassland , Chinese pine woodland ( dominated by Pinus tabuliformis ), and intermediate peashrub brushwood ( dominated by Caragana intermedia ) supported relatively high species diversity .

  8. 并且为了验证CSDI模型的可行性,又选取了平均树高、平均胸径、生物多样性指数等16个指标采用因子分析法对相同的样地在较为客观的角度进行了森林健康评价。

    In order to verify the feasibility of CSDI model , this paper used factor analysis to assess the same plots more objectively with 16 indicators , such as average height , average diameter at breast height , biodiversity index .

  9. 生物多样性指数在矿山土地复垦中的应用

    Application of bio diversity indices to mined land reclamation

  10. 生物多样性指数与生物量相关性不显著。

    The nonlinear relationship between bio-diversity indices and community biomass was not significant .

  11. 对传统生物多样性指数的质疑

    A Question on the Traditional Biodiversity Index

  12. 浮游植物生物多样性指数平均为1.281,均匀度指数为0.282;

    Biodiversity of phytoplankton in Heilongjiang river system was 1.281 , with the evenness of 0.282 ;

  13. 结论:主要鼠种体外寄生革螨群落结构复杂,生物多样性指数较高。

    Conclusions : The structures of gamasid mite communities are complicated , with high diversity indices .

  14. 草地生物多样性指数,特别是有花植物和野生动物多样性指数处于相对稳定状态;

    Keeping grassland biodiversity index , especially plants and wild animals , to be in relative steady state ;

  15. 土壤生物多样性指数在15以下,并随植被退化而急剧降低至裸露地的011。

    The diversity index H turned to be less than 1.5 , drastically decreasing with the vegetation degradation trend .

  16. 遵义市行道树总的生物多样性指数为0.924,表明遵义市城区干道树种结构相对简单。

    The total biodiversity index was 0.924 , which implied that the species structure of urban main roads were relatively simple .

  17. 结论不同类型码头的残存鼠生物多样性指数各不相同,以集装箱码头最高。

    Conclusion The indices of biological diversity were distinct in different docks and the highest was found in the Container Dock .

  18. 生物多样性指数显示出春秋较高,夏季稍低,冬季最低的规律。

    All diversity indexes showed high values in spring and autumn , followed in summer , with the lowest in winter .

  19. 采用微宇宙培养法,模拟微污染景观水体富营养化过程,研究其浮游藻类演替状况及生物多样性指数。

    Nine biopersity indices calculated on the basis of phytoplankton data were studied for their usefulness for eutrophication studies in landscaping water body .

  20. 以生物多样性指数、马尾松毛虫虫口密度和成本投入作为指标,用灰色决策理论对不同放菌量和不同放菌频度的12种接种式放菌方案作局势决策,以确定最佳放菌方案。

    With biodiversity , caterpillar population density and control cost as indices , optimal inoculating frequency and dosage were determined based on grey decision-making method .

  21. 原生动物群落的种类数、密度、生物多样性指数、集群速度均能反映水质状况。

    The results showed that the species richness , individual abundance , PFU colonization rate , and especially bio diversity index were useful for indicating the water quality .

  22. 水体中藻类与水质状况之间存在着密切的关系,因此可根据藻类综合指数、生物多样性指数等指标对被监测水体的水质状况做出评价。

    There 's a close relation between algae in water body and water quality , so we can assess the latter according to the algae general index and bio-diversity index .

  23. 影响乔木层生物多样性指数最直观的因素是群落类型,不同群落的物种丰富度、多样性指数、均匀度存在较大的差异。

    The visual factor that effects the biological diversity index of tree layer is types of community . Different community have large difference in species richness , diversity index and evenness .

  24. 并采用生物多样性指数、种类丰富度指数、均匀度指数和单纯度指数分析了调查海域浮游植物的群落结构特征。

    Four indexes which are diversity index , abundance index , simplicity index and evenness index were used to analyze the characteristics of community structure of phytoplanktons in the investigation area .

  25. 应用生物多样性指数分析了河北省廊坊市不同林木类型中昆虫群落结构特征。

    By using the diversity index , insect community structure in different vegetation were studied from June to August in2004 in Langfang region in the northern part of the North China Plain .

  26. 土壤种子库的生物多样性指数、丰富度指数和均匀度指数与地表植被变化相一致。

    The trends of indices biodiversity , richness , evenness of the soil seed bank were consistent with the standing vegetation . However , the extent of the change was not obvious .

  27. 矿山废弃地生态恢复评价目前尚未形成统一的指标体系,常用的评价指标有生物多样性指数评价、水土保持功能评价、土壤养分评价及小气候评价等。

    There is not standard evaluation index on ecological restoration of abandoned mines . The Biology Diversity Index , reserve of water and soil , soil nutrient and microclimate are usually used to evaluate the restoration effect .

  28. 以生物多样性指数为桥梁,构建胶林年龄与生物多样性指数、生物多样性指数与土壤养分状况之间的模型,通过模型对胶林生物多样性保持土壤肥力的价值进行了评估。

    The models of rubber forest 's age and biodiversity index , biodiversity index and the soil fertility were established . The values of the ecological service function in maintaining soil fertility were evaluated by using the models .

  29. 生物多样性指数、硅藻指数与水质级别关系分析表明,除部分次数的实验相关性不好外,基本能反映水质相对级别的差异,且季节性数值差异较小。

    Analysis on the relation between biological diversity , diatoms indexes and grade of water quality showed that the deviation of water quality grade basically reflected the relative deviation of water quality and with little deviation of seasonal value .

  30. 从验证指标(浮游植物、浮游动物以及底栖动物)可以看出,随着海拔的降低,水生生物多样性指数增加,数量增多,这与河道状况、比降、水温、水质有很大的关系。

    From validation of indicators of phytoplankton , zooplankton animal and benthic animal we can see that , with the lower of the elevation , aquatic biodiversity index increased , the number increased , which had big relations with river condition , water temperature and water ration .