
shēng gēn
  • take root;establish;strike root;Implanting
生根 [shēng gēn]
  • (1) [take root;strike root]∶扎根(如使插枝生根或种子发芽)

  • 他的插枝百分之七十生根

  • (2) [establish]∶比喻事物建立起稳固的基础

生根[shēng gēn]
  1. 我们希望移植的桔树将会生根成长。

    We hope the transplanted orange trees will take root .

  2. 它们其中的一些就会生根。

    Some of them will take root .

  3. 大多数植物都会在6到8周内生根。

    Most plants will root in about six to eight weeks

  4. 把插条放在加热的培育箱里生根。

    Root the cuttings in a heated propagator .

  5. 只要有一点空隙,植物就会生根发芽。

    Plants burgeon from every available space

  6. 叶片进行遗传转化。在含卡那霉素的MS分化培养基上选择转化体和植株再生,转化植株可在含卡那霉素的生根培养基中生根。

    The transformants were selected on the MS culture medium containing Kanamycin .

  7. AC能够显著的促进梨品种的生根。

    AC could obviously promote rooting of pear species .

  8. 生根培养基为无激素的MS培养基。

    The medium for regenerated plantlets rooting was basic MS medium free of hormone .

  9. 将幼苗转入无激素的MS培养基中,6天即可生根。

    It rooted in 6 days after buds were transferred onto Ms hormone-free medium .

  10. 生根对NaCl胁迫更加敏感。

    Rooting was more sensitive to NaCl stress .

  11. GA和香蕉泥的合理组配是大花蕙兰生根壮苗的关键。

    The key to rooting and strong sprout lies in suitable combination of GA and the banana mud .

  12. IAA对苹果试管苗生根作用不大。

    IAA had no strong effect on the rooting of the apple plant .

  13. SNP处理时间也可影响生根效果。

    The treatment time of SNP also influenced the rooting .

  14. KT与BA对彩色马蹄莲组培苗增殖和生根的影响

    Effects of KT and BA on Proliferation and Rooting of Tissue Culture Seedling of Zantedeschia aethiopica

  15. 与IAA和NAA相比,IBA对再生芽生根效果较好。

    Compared with IAA and NAA , IBA gave better rooting effect .

  16. 不同基质中IBA与NAA对矮牵牛扦插生根的影响

    Effects of IBA and NAA in different media on cuttage rooting of Petunia hybrida

  17. kg-1ABT1号生根粉处理插穗基部3h,500mg。

    Rooting powder for 3 hours or 500 mg · kg ~ ( - 1 ) ABT No.

  18. IBA对含笑扦插生根影响初探

    Primary study on the effects of IBA to the rooting of Michelia figo

  19. ABT生根粉促进花生壮苗效应的研究

    The Study On Peanut Seedling With ABT - root - inducing Powder

  20. ABT生根粉提高报春花种子活力的研究

    Studies on improving seed vigor of top primrose with ABT Rooting Powder

  21. ABT生根粉对花生根系生理功能的影响

    Effects of ABT-ROOT-INDUCING powder on the root activity of peanut

  22. ABT生根粉对水稻的增产效应

    Effect of ABT rooting powder on increasing yield of rice

  23. IAA、IBA、NAA3种药剂组合处理对蜡梅扦插生根都有一定的效果。

    All the branches of wintersweet that treated with IAA , IBA , NAA have certain effect .

  24. 经IBA处理的插条生根过程中内源脱落酸含量持续下降。

    Content of endogenous abscisic acid in cuttings treated with IBA decreases progressively during rooting .

  25. 3号ABT生根粉在板栗嫁接苗移栽上的应用研究

    A Study of ABT 3 Rooting Powder on Transplanting of Chestnut Grafted Plant

  26. ABT生根粉新型试剂对中药材生长效果影响

    Effect of ABT Rooting Powder New Types on Growth of Chinese Medicinal Crops

  27. IAAO,PPO,POD与桑树扦插生根有密切关系。

    IAAO , POD and PPO have a close connection with the cutting rooting of mulberry .

  28. IBA处理根段极性下端生根、发芽效果好。

    IBA treatment on the under side of root section is good for rooting and budding .

  29. IBA、树龄、枝段对日本晚樱绿枝扦插生根的影响

    Effect of IBA , Tree Age and Shoot Portion on Japanese Late Cherry Softwood Cuttings Rooting

  30. 结果表明,PP333处理抑制了植株地上部生长,增强生根力,增加根/冠和植株体内脯氨酸含量,提高超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和IAA氧化酶活性。

    Taking root ability , R / S , Pro content and activity of SOD and IAA were enhanced .