
shēnɡ wù lì yònɡ lǜ
  • bioavailability;biological availability
  1. 溶解有机质(DOM)和药物的相互作用可改变药物的溶解度、吸附作用、迁移率、生物利用率及风险等。

    The interactions between dissolved organic matter ( DOM ) and drug could alter antibiotic solubility , sorption , mobility , bioavailability and risks .

  2. 为了充分发掘EPR的应用潜力,降低用药量,提高生物利用率,进行了EPR注射液的研究。

    To reduce the dose of administration and improve the bioavailability , a serials of studies on an injection of eprinomectin were conducted .

  3. ~(65)Zn在锌的生物利用率研究中的应用

    Study on bioavailability of zinc using isotope zinc ~ 6

  4. 膳食维生素B6对硒的生物利用率影响的研究Ⅰ.对补硒大鼠组织硒含量的影响

    Effect of dietary vitamin B_6 on selenium bioavailability ⅰ . Effect of dietary vitamin B_6 on selenium concentrations in the tissues of rats sodium selenite of DL-selenomethionine

  5. 结论:口服GPS和BAI后吸收快,但生物利用率较低。

    Conclusions : The absorption rate of GPS and BAI was fast , but the bioavailability was very low .

  6. 可活化稳定同位素~(70)Zn示踪研究儿童膳食中锌的生物利用率

    Study on Bioavailability of Zinc for Children 's Diet by Using Activable Isotopic Tracer ~ ( 70 ) Zn and Neutron Activation Analysis Techniques

  7. 综上所述,肝脏中锌浓度、MT浓度和MTmRNA表达水平是评定锌源相对生物利用率的敏感指标。

    In summary , the liver zinc concentration and MT mRNA levels were sensitive indicators to assess relative bioavailability of zinc source .

  8. 血红素和多肽共存时,在广泛的pH(pH2-12)范围内溶解性不会降低,从而可以提高铁的吸收和生物利用率。

    Peptides would maintain heme in a soluble form within wide pH range ( 2-12 ) when peptides and heme co-exist , which can enhance the absorption and bioavailability of heme-iron .

  9. 但由于CS高分子量、高表观粘度、结构复杂及细胞膜的选择透过性等因素,造成了其生物利用率较低。

    But its bioavailability is relatively lower due to its high molecular weight , high apparent viscosity , complex structure and selective permeability of cell membrance .

  10. 然而EGCG性质很不稳定,具有较低的生物利用率,这些缺陷严重限制了该物质在食品、医药等领域的应用。

    However , the instability and low bioavailability of EGCG limit its commercial applications in food and medicine .

  11. 而以心肌和红细胞GSH-Px活性为指标时,其生物利用率(90%和70%)低于亚硒酸钠。

    The bioavailability was lower for Se in high-Se wheat ( 70 % or 90 % ) than for selenite when estimated by erythro-cyte or cardiac GSH-Px activities .

  12. 结果表明:D、E、F、G组饲料中铁转换血红蛋白的转换效率依次为54%、31%39%和40%。铁的相对生物利用率依次为100%、47%、70%和72%。

    Testing results show that the iron-hemoglobin conversion effeciency of group C , E , F , G is 54 , 31 , 39 and 40 % respectively , while their relative bioavailability is 100 , 47 , 70 and 72 % in the given order .

  13. 目的:比较表达豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂基因大米(转SCK基因大米)和亲本大米蛋白质和氨基酸消化率的差异,并探讨其生物利用率的异同。

    Objective : To compare the digestibility of protein and amino acids in parental rice and rice genetically modified with cowpeas trypsin inhibitor .

  14. EGCG在体内对肿瘤组织的定向攻击弱,生物利用率低,以及低效的给药系统都影响了EGCG功能的发挥。

    In body , the ability of EGCG targeted attacking tumor tissues is weak and the bioavailability is low . Drug delivery systems for EGCG are inefficient . All the disadvantages block the EGCG show its ability .

  15. 以中链脂肪酸(MCFA)为原料,用HLB值法制备的W/O型中链脂肪酸(MCFA)微乳,可提高油溶性药物或营养物的溶解性和生物利用率。

    The novel W / O medium-chain fatty acid ( MCFA ) microemulsion was prepared with HLB method , which could increases the solubility of oil-soluble compounds and enhance their bioavailability .

  16. 总体来说,与硫酸亚铁组相比,以血红蛋白和血液中一些其他指标评价,TPS-Fe的铁生物利用率在102~114%之间,略大于硫酸亚铁组。

    Generally , the iron bioavailability of TPS-Fe is 102 ~ 114 compared with ferrous sulfate whose iron bioavailability is 100 when we use some items in blood to evaluate .

  17. 结果:铁正常对照,IDA每3日或每日补铁三组大鼠血红蛋白转换效率分别为9.21%,6.9%及2.8%,后两组相对生物利用率(RBA)为74.9%及31.6%。

    The results showed that after iron supplemented period , the rate of hemoglobin regeneration if rats in iron-normal , iron-deficient with iron supplementation at daily or every 3 days were 9 . 2 % , 2 . 9 % and 6 . 9 % respectiVely .

  18. 克山病病区及高硒地区土壤中硒的生物利用率

    The bioavailability of soil selenium in Keshan disease and seleniferous areas

  19. 大鼠的富锌酵母生物利用率评价

    Evaluation of bioavailability of zinc from Zn-enriched yeast fed to rats

  20. 代谢平衡实验未观察到锌的生物利用率受到抑制。

    Metabolic balance study indicated that zinc bioavailability was not inhibited .

  21. 两种大豆蛋白制品铁的生物利用率研究

    A Study of Iron Bioavailability of Two Kinds of Soybean Protein

  22. 几种铁营养资源的生物利用率评价

    Evaluation of the bioavailability of five nutritional resources of iron in rats

  23. 间隔补铁大鼠的肠粘膜铁含量及其生物利用率

    Intestinal mucosal iron levels and its utilization in intermittently Fe supplemented rats

  24. 乳酸锌和葡萄糖酸锌的生物利用率比较

    A comparative study on the bioavailability of zinc lactate and zinc gluconate

  25. 低硒大鼠对紫阳高硒小麦硒的相对生物利用率

    The relative bioavailability of selenium in Ziyang high-Se wheat to selenium-deficient rats

  26. 肉鸡蛋氨酸铁生物利用率试验研究

    Study on Relative Bioavailability of Iron Methionine for the Broiler

  27. 雏鸭无机锰源生物利用率试验研究

    A study of bioavailability of inorganic manganese sources for Ducklings

  28. 两种市售补钙制剂对生长期大鼠生物利用率的研究

    Bioavailability Study of Two Marketing Calcium Supplements on Growing Rat

  29. 稳定性同位素技术对锌生物利用率的研究

    Studies on the zinc bioavailability using stable isotope techniques

  30. 学前儿童膳食植酸摄入量及对锌生物利用率的影响

    Phytic acid intake and its effect on the bioavailability of zinc in preschool children