
  • 网络Eco Lodge;eco-lodge;Eco-Lodges;Eco Hotel
  1. 我住在海兹恩达梅里达旅馆(HaciendaMérida),是个农场/咖啡加工厂改造成的生态旅馆,位于马德拉斯火山国家公园(VolcanMaderasNationalPark)里面。

    I was staying at Hacienda M é rida , aformer farm / coffee-processing plant-turned-ecolodge located inVolcan MaderasNational Park .

  2. 亚马逊生态旅馆最为成功的标志之一是,它的许多雇员过去曾以损害雨林为生。

    But one of the most promising signs of the success of the Posadas Amazonas lodge is that many of its employees used to make a living by damaging the forest .

  3. 青年旅馆与生态旅游&青年旅馆模式在我国自然保护区的适用性分析

    Youth Hostel and Eco tourism & An Analysis of Applicability of the Mode of Youth Hostel in Nature Reserves in China