
shuǐ dǐ suì dào
  • Underwater tunnel;subaqueous tunnel;subsea tunnel
  1. 水底隧道风险评估体系及施工风险评估研究

    Research on Risk Evaluation System and Construction Risk Evaluation of Underwater Tunnel

  2. 岩石地层水底隧道合理覆盖层厚度研究

    Study on the Reasonable Overburden Depth for Subaqueous Rock Tunnel

  3. 南京长江水底隧道施工期通航问题研究

    Study on Navigability during the Construction of Yangtze River Immersed Tunnel in Nanjing

  4. 水底隧道管片构件耐久性失效风险研究

    A Study on Risk of Durability Failure of the Segments for Underwater Tunnel

  5. 水底隧道沉船荷载的研究

    Study of Sunken Boat Load on Underwater Tunnel

  6. 水底隧道涌水量预测方法的应用分析

    An analysis of application of the methods of predicting water influx to under-water tunnels

  7. 水底隧道穿越风化槽技术及施工效应研究

    A Study on Technic of Benthic Tunnel Traversing Weathered Trough and Its Construction Effect

  8. 沉埋施工法水底隧道数据库及其现实意义

    The Data Base of Underwater Tunnels with Sink & Bury Construction and Its Practical Significance

  9. 研究中的南京水底隧道&京沪高速铁路跨越长江方案

    Nanjing Underwater Tunnel in Study

  10. 采用泥水盾构法在软土地区修筑水底隧道时,不可避免地要穿越堤防。

    It is inevitable for the slurry shield to under-pass the embankment in construction of under-river tunnels in urban areas .

  11. 在现有的若干水底隧道施工方法中,沉管法由于其独特的优越性而成为主要工法。

    Immersed Tube Tunnel ( ITT ) is a principal choice because of its unique advantage in the currently existing construction way .

  12. 悬浮隧道从它所处的周围环境和所承受的荷载角度来看,它与传统的山岭隧道和水底隧道有着显著的差别。

    From the angle of surroundings and loads the condition of the SFT is obviously different from that of a conventional tunnel .

  13. 建议修建京沪高速铁路时采用水底隧道越过长江。

    It is suggested that underwater tunnel should be adopted to cross the Yangtze River while the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway was being built .

  14. 结果表明:①与有限元相比,用经验公式计算得到的水底隧道涌水量偏小;

    The results indicate that the water influxes estimated by the empirical formula may be smaller than those obtained from the finite element calculations .

  15. 甬江水底隧道工程在水下软土地基上采用了先进的“沉管法”技术,这在国内尚属首次。

    An advanced " Sinking Pipe Method " technique has been first used in China in underwater soil foundations in the Yongjiang underwater tunnel project .

  16. 基于厚板理论的水平煤层顶板临界厚度的分析岩石地层水底隧道合理覆盖层厚度研究

    Determination of Critical Thickness of Stiff Roof in Coal Mine Based on Thick Plate Theory Study on the Reasonable Overburden Depth for Subaqueous Rock Tunnel

  17. 结合南京地铁南北线一期工程,提出超浅覆土情况下水底隧道盾构施工应采取的工程对策。

    Then , based on the Phrase One Project of Nanjing Metro North-South Line , some main methods dealing with the shallow underwater ground are provided .

  18. 本文介绍了南京长江水底隧道概况,针对该水底隧道是供高速铁路使用的沉管隧道的特点,论述了开展前期工作的必要性并提出了前期工作的主要内容。

    In view of the speciality of that the underwater tunnel is a settled-tube tunnel used for the high-speed railway , the necessities for developing its earlier-stage works are described and discussed .

  19. 数据分析结果直接服务于二个工程的设计施工的生产实践上,并提供反馈意见,为新的水底隧道健康监测系统的设计和实施提供了参考和依据。

    Results of data analysis service in the design and construction of two engineering , and provide feedback to provide reference and basis for the design and implementation of the new underwater tunnel health monitoring system .

  20. 水底公路隧道安全方案及消防安全性能化设计

    Safety Scheme and Fire Performance-based Design of Underwater Road Tunnel

  21. 水底公路隧道的风险管理

    Tunnel Risk Management of Road Tunnel Crossing River

  22. 水底公路隧道盾构掘进中的道路同步施工技术

    Synchronous Construction Technology of Pavement Building and Shield Tunnelling in an Underriver Highway Tunnel

  23. 城市水底交通隧道及其施工技术

    Urban Underwater Traffic And Its Construction Method

  24. 从动量原理出发导出水底沉管隧道和盾构隧道的沉船荷载计算公式;

    From the principles of momentum , a calculation equation has been derived for the sunken boat load on underwater sunk tube tunnel or shield driving tunnel .

  25. 叙述了城市水底交通隧道的建造方法,并结合我国已建水底交通隧道,对盾构法和沉管法进行对比和评价。

    This article deals with a construction method in relation to urban underwater traffic tunnel and makes comparision & evaluation between shield driving method and pipe sinking method in light of underwater traffic tunnels built up in our country .

  26. 隧道结构有初期投资巨大,维护不便的特点,对于使用期充满水的水底输气隧道尤其如此,因此对建成后的水底输气隧道进行可靠度分析与评价具有重要意义。

    Tunnel construction has some features such as great initial investment and inconvenient maintenance , especially when the tunnel construction is filled with water in subaqueous gas tunnel , therefore it is very important to carry out reliability analysis and reliability estimation towards subaqueous gas tunnel .