
  1. 西夏水月观音所展现的不仅是一种艺术审美需要,更主要的是通过艺术表现信仰。

    Tangut water moon kuan-yin demonstrated not only an aesthetic needs , mainly through artistic expression of faith .

  2. 西夏时期的水月观音图像表现出独具特色的各民族艺术风格的糅合,具有创造性的多元复合民族文化。

    The image of Tangut water moon kuan-yin showing a unique blend of folk art style , having innovative compound of the national culture .

  3. 但我们同时也因看到,水月观音发展到西夏虽然画面精美华贵有余,但艺术内涵不足,这也许与佛教发展由盛转衰的大趋势相契。

    Although we also see that the image of Tangut water moon kuan-yin more exquisite luxury , lack of artistic connotation , That is Corresponding with The trend of development of Buddhism from prosperity to decline .

  4. 通过对图像的内容、空间布局、设色、绘法、背景装饰、人物服饰等各方面对图片进行综合分析,提取信息确定各个图像的宗教意蕴及艺术风格,进一步总结归纳西夏水月观音的艺术风格。

    Comprehensive analysis by image of content , space layout , colour , painted method , background decoration , character costume and so on . To determine the various of the religious meaning and art style , further summary and induce the art style of Tangut water moon kuan-yin .