
  • 网络Horizontal error;mrad
  1. ISA法铜电解槽槽面水平误差的控制

    The control of ISA copper electrobath surface level error

  2. 数字仿真表明:由中等精度的陀螺仪和加速度计以及GPS组成的组合导航系统平台水平误差角小,定位精度高,能够满足重力测量和导航要求。

    Digital simulation shows that the integrated navigation system of moderate precision accelerometers , gyroscopes and GPS , has small platform angle error , high positioning precision and can meet the requirements of gravity measuring and navigation .

  3. 根据1987年上海台网的观测能力,导出了估算震中定位误差的统计模型,计算了它的定位精度,结果显示网内的震中位置水平误差大约为2km。

    According to the monitoring ability of Shanghai Telemetered Seis - mic Network in 1987 , we calculated its location accuracy with statistical model , the result shows that the horizontal errors of the epicenter is about two kilometers .

  4. 雷达天线座水平误差的一种测量方法

    A Measurement Method for the Level Error of Radar Antenna Pedestal

  5. 激光扫平仪光束水平误差的检定

    Testing of the Horizontal Error of the Beam in Laser Swinger

  6. 惯性导航系统水平误差对静电陀螺监控器的影响通信基站环境、动力监控器的设计与实现

    Effection of the Horizon Error of INS on ESGM Designment and Implement of Centralized Monitoring Instrument for Measuring Surrounding & Power of Communication Based Station

  7. 惯性平台水平角误差测量方法的研究

    Study on the Method for Horizontal-angle Error Measuring of Inertial Platform

  8. 锋面附近折射场结构及其雷达水平探测误差

    The structure of the refraction field near the front and horizontal radar detection errors

  9. 惯性导航系统水平角误差计算机辅助分析与建模

    Tilt Angle Error Model of Inertial Navigation System

  10. 仿真结果表明该方案的对准精度(1σ)可以达到水平姿态误差0.07,°方位误差0.3°。

    Simulation result shows that the alignment accuracy was 0.07 degree for horizon attitude errors , and 0.3 degree for heading errors .

  11. 普通话水平测试误差探究在测试的实践中我们发现普通话水平测试在形式和内容方面还有某些尚待完善的地方。

    An exploration of the errors in the standard Chinese level test In implementing the test we have discovered that improvement is needed in some aspects of the test .

  12. Doppler/SINS组合导航系统具有输出水平速度误差较小、平台角误差较小的优点,但存在经纬度误差较大的缺点,故不能作为独立的导航定位系统;

    The advantages of the integrated navigation system of Doppler / SINS are less output level velocity errors and less errors of level angles , but the bigger shortcoming is longitude and latitude errors . So it can not be used as the unique navigation positioning system .

  13. 经纬仪一次水平测角极限误差的检测

    Test of maximum error of one measuring horizontal angle of theodolite

  14. 发射角为45°时,水平原理性误差最大;

    When launch angle is 45 °, the horizontal principle error is maximum .

  15. 水平原理性误差随着时间的增长而增加。

    The horizontal principle error increases with time elapsing .

  16. 变压器铁芯接地断线时绝缘水平的测量误差

    Measure Error of Insulation Level when the Grounding Wire of Transformer Core is Broken

  17. 导弹的加速度和速度越大,水平原理性误差越大;

    The larger the missile acceleration and velocity are , the larger the horizontal principle error is .

  18. 采用水平分割使误差基本控制在正、负一个脉冲补偿当量内。

    The parallel dividing is adopted and the error is controlled within ± 1 pulse compensating equivalent .

  19. 就现有科技水平,这种误差难以完全避免,所以,一般来说合理选取的逼近法曲线绘制效果相对更为理想。

    It is impossible to totally avoid such errors ; therefore , relatively reasonably chosen curve effect by method of approximation is much better . 5 .

  20. 本文提出了一种同时测定经纬仪水平方向中误差和度盘分划误差的方法。

    This paper presents a method of determining the mean square error of horizontal direction and the error of circle graduation of theodolite at the same time .

  21. 考虑到目前风功率的预测水平及预测误差的不可忽略性,建立了基于区间预测的含风电场的电力系统机组组合问题的数学模型。

    Considering the present wind power prediction level and the prediction error , the occasional wind curtailment model of the unit commitment with wind power is well established .

  22. 静态试验表明,将磁强计加入MIMU/GPS组合系统前后,系统的水平姿态角误差收敛效果基本一致,而加入磁强计后组合系统的航向角误差由发散变为有效收敛。

    The static experiment showed that the level attitude error converges the same as the MIMU / GPS integrated system while adding the magnetometer into it . But the heading error turned from divergence into converge after the adding .

  23. 通过对小角法观测建筑物水平位移的误差分析,推导出误差计算公式,从而提出了选用观测仪器和确定观测方法的几项建议。

    In this paper , the error calculation formula is deduced on the basis of the error analysis of the measurement of horizontal displacement of buildings by means of small-angle method , and several suggestions on selection of apparatus and confirmation of the observation method are put forward .

  24. 实际测量数据的分析表明,该方法与传统的一次水平测角极限误差相比,可以获取更详细的误差信息,并可大大减小经纬仪使用时的测量不确定度。

    The result of experimental data analysis indicates that the method of spectrum analysis and error correction can get the error information more detailedly and reduce the uncertainty of measurement greatly during the measurement of theodolite , comparing with the classical method of limit error for single horizontal angle-measurement .

  25. 海洋渔业GIS中温度水平梯度计算的误差分析和新算法研究

    Error Analysis and a New Algorithm to Calculate Horizontal Temperature Gradient in Marine Fishery GIS

  26. 根据线性滞弹性体松弛模型反演得到了介质品质因子Qm、95%置信水平下的测量误差及相关参数。

    Based on a linear viscoelastic relaxation model we deduced the medium quality factor Q_m , and associated error with 95 % confidence level .

  27. 400~5000Hz频率范围内SEA模型的计算结果与车内声压水平实测值的误差达到3dB以内。

    The interior car sound pressure level results of the SEA model obtain a difference of less than 3 dB compared to the test data over the frequency range of 400 ~ 5 000 Hz .

  28. 小角法水平位移观测的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of the Horizontal Displacement Measurement with the Small - angle Method

  29. 光杠杆底脚、望远镜轴线不水平造成的系统误差的分析

    Analysis of systematic error caused by the no level optical base and telescopic ASIC

  30. 给出了一定误差水平下的模型误差对固有频率计算结果影响程度分析的区间方法。

    An interval analysis method was proposed for the influence analysis of the model error to the computational results of natural frequency of structures .