
  • Exchange memo;bank receipt
  1. 保存好这张兑换水单以便兑换回外币。

    Keep this exchange memo for reconversion into foreign currency .

  2. 可以。好,请您填写兑换水单和汇款申请表。

    Sure . Now here is the exchange memo and the application form for remittance .

  3. 叔丁醇/水单相溶液的冻干工艺研究中,利用低温显微镜、低温DSC考察了单相溶液的冻结情况。

    In TBA / water cosolvent system , low temperature microscope and low temperature DSC were used to investigate the frozen status of TBA / water monophase solution .

  4. 从伦敦南印度风味的奎隆(Quilon)餐厅(其酒水单首当其冲就是各种啤酒)到美国曼哈顿的麦迪逊广场十一号餐厅(ElevenMadisonPark,各种品牌的啤酒单多达8页),啤酒已登各大精品餐厅之大雅之堂。

    From the southern Indian restaurant Quilon in London , where beers begin the drinks list , to Eleven Madison Park in Manhattan , where the choices run to eight pages , beer has been invited to join the fine dining club .

  5. 羟基药剂杀灭压载水单胞生物研究

    Study on Killing Monads in Ballast Water by Hydroxyl Radicle Pharmaceuticals

  6. 本文阐述了地下水单因子污染程度评价的作用。

    This paper describes how the single-factor assesses the degree of groundwater pollution .

  7. 灰色统计方法在地下水单因子污染程度评价中的应用

    Application of grey method of statistics in the single-factor assessment of groundwater pollution

  8. 兑换水单六个月有效。

    This memo is available with six month .

  9. 职员:好,我现在就为您填写这张兑换水单。

    Clerk : Good . I will fill out the exchange memo for you now .

  10. 那么,如果我可以提一个建议的话,请您保管好这张兑换水单。

    So , if I may make a suggestion , please keep your exchange memo safe .

  11. 对不起让您等久了,先生.请在水单上签字。

    Sorry I have kept you waiting , sir , please sign here on the memo .

  12. 保留水单,以防离开这个国家时还用得着。

    Keep your exchange vouchers as you may need to show them when you are leaving the country .

  13. 如果您有我行签发的兑换水单,我们可以帮您把它们换成外汇。

    We can convert them into foreign currency if you show us the relevant exchange memo issued by our bank .

  14. 甲酸、乙酸或水单一溶剂的偶极矩与盐浓度的关系

    The Relationship Between Dipole Moment of the Single Solvent for Formic Acid , Acetic Acid and Water and Concentration of Salt

  15. 请保留好这份兑换水单,您可以在24个月内将未用完的人民币兑还成美元。

    Please hold this exchange memo , you will be able to exchange the unused RMB back into US dollars in24 months .

  16. 主顾:啊,我想兑换些钱,但不晓得怎样填写兑换水单。我不会瞧英文。

    Customer : Oh , I want to change some money , but I do not know how to fill out the exchange memo .

  17. 借鉴期货交易机制优化水资源配置&基于水单的南水北调水市场交易模式研究

    Drawing on Futures Trade Mechanism and Disposing Water Resources Rationally & A Water Market Mode of the Project of Water Transfer from South to North based on Water Documents

  18. 他们也要求参与者做一份生活满意度调查表,调查了他们近六个月的银行交易水单中的消费明细。

    They also asked them to take a life satisfaction questionnaire , and looked at their bank transaction data over a six-month period to see what they were spending on .

  19. 分别采用普通水泥和高水单浆料为胶结材料对山东某金矿全尾矿进行了胶结对比试验。

    A series of laboratory cementing experiments on the total tailings from a gold mine in Shandong Province were conducted by use of ordinary cement and polyhydrate material as binding materials .

  20. 结果表明,高水单浆料与水泥相比具有用量少、试块早期强度高的特点,适用于金矿全尾胶结。

    The results indicated that the polyhydrate binding material can produce higher binding strength under lower dosage compared with the ordinary cement , so it is applied to cement total gold tailings .

  21. 为此,用常规岩心驱替流程进行了可动凝胶对岩心的封堵性能实验及可动凝胶对油、水单相渗流的影响实验。

    The single-phase porous flow plugged by mobile gels is nonlinear , the starting pressure of oil is lower than that of water , and the permeability of oil is higher than that of water .

  22. 对于砂砾岩油藏高含水开发期,因储层非均质性的影响,注入水单层突进现象明显,使注入水利用率低,水驱效果较差。

    For high containing water exploitation period of grit frame reservoir , because of non-uniformity , the onrush of water injected by single orientation , it is very limited for utilizing water injected and the effect of water drive is inadequate .