
zì zhù yóu
  • independent travel;do-it-yourself travel;globetrotting
  1. 自助游可拓策略生成系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Extension Strategy Generating System for Independent Travel

  2. 于我自己而言,我更喜欢自助游。

    For myself , I prefer to go on independent travel .

  3. 然后以解决自助游可拓策略生成系统的代码分散与纠缠为例,详述了AOP在自助游可拓策略生成系统的应用。

    For example , we walks to address the self-help travel extension strategy system code scattered and entangled , details the AOP extension strategy in the self-help travel strategy extension generating system .

  4. 此外,随团旅游比自助游更安全,更节省时间。

    Moreover , it is safer and less time-consuming than independent travel .

  5. 时下最IN的是自助游。

    Saving up on your own is the trend now .

  6. 自助游策略生成系统正交软件体系结构研究

    The Research on Orthogonal Software Architecture in Self-help Travel Strategy Generating System

  7. 你打算报旅游团还是自助游?

    Are you going to follow a tour group or travel by yourself ?

  8. 如果旅行,您是喜欢自助游还是跟团游?

    Do you prefer DIY tour or package tour ?

  9. 目前,大多数人在出游形式选择上,倾向于选择借助公共交通工具的自助游形式。

    At present , most people tend to choose Self-help service by public transport .

  10. 我能在这订自助游吗?

    Can I book the optional tour here ?

  11. 和个假小子在泰国自助游。

    Backpacking in Thailand with a toyboy .

  12. 大床和早餐自助游经济实惠!

    Great Affordable Bed and Breakfast Getaways !

  13. 与之相反,独立游或者叫自助游才是我想要的。

    To the opposite , an independent tour or a do-it-yourself one is what I want .

  14. 网络成为自助游参与者最为主要的信息媒介。

    The internet has become the most main intermediary forthe communication among participants in self-help tour .

  15. 自助游:很多度假设施均为附近居住的客户提供自助旅游点。

    Getaways : Many of the resorts provide getaway locations for consumers living within fairly close proximity .

  16. 随着我国自助游的盛行,客运市场出现了非站场式客运服务。

    With the popularity of self-help travel mode in domestic , passenger transport market produces non-fixed-station travel service .

  17. 旅游市场大致可分为三块:团队旅游、商务旅游和自助游。

    Tourism market can be broadly divided into three parts : group travel , business travel and self-service travel .

  18. 城市旅游目的地自助游服务体系构建与推广&以青岛为例

    Construction and Popularization of Service Systems for Self-Guided Tours to Urban Tourist Destinations & A Case Study of Qingdao City

  19. 如果你想吸引更多完全自助游的中国游客,我认为提供中文信息是非常重要的。

    If you want to attract more Chinese fully independent travellers , I think Chinese language information is very important .

  20. 此部分主要介绍了我国理论界和实务界中存在的关于自助游驴友间是否负有安全保障义务的两种不同观点及理由。

    This section introduces two different opinions in theory and practice fields on whether hikers bear safeguard obligation among each other .

  21. 与此同时,自助游的崛起,也使旅游电子商务越来越受到年轻旅游者的青睐。

    Meanwhile , with the appearance of self service travel , e-commerce is becoming more and more popular with yong travelers .

  22. 近程度假体育参与者主要是自驾车自助游,远程度假体育参与者主要是乘坐公共交通工具自助游。

    Vacation sports participants are mainly short-range self-driving self-tour , remote vacation sports participants are mainly self-help travel by public transport .

  23. 自驾游与自助游市场已经成为一个新兴的市场,目前我国学者对其研究尚比较少。

    Self-service and self-driving travel market has become an emerging market , but the research on this field has remained relatively small .

  24. 谈起旅游,有些人会选择自助游的方式,而另外一些人却更喜欢随团旅游。

    When it comes to traveling , some people will choose independent travel while others prefer to go on a package tour .

  25. 我刚来中国的时候。常常跟团旅游。但现在我发现自助游更有意思。

    When I first came to China , I usually took package tours but now I 've found Do-It-Yourself tours are more interesting .

  26. 作者将分享独自一人游历世人眼中的「恐怖主义」国度伊朗的经历,以及到海外自助游的一点启示。

    Alexander will share his experience of safe solo travel to Iran and give tips on how to have a safe journey overseas .

  27. 从网络游记分析当代自助游现象&以安徽黄山旅游区网络游记为例

    Analysis on the Contemporary Phenomenon of Self-help Tour from the Network Travels & Take the Network Travels of Huangshan in Anhui Province as an Example

  28. 旅游协会正为港岛、九龙和新界多个地点,设计一系列今古建筑自助游。

    The HKTA is developing a series of do-it-yourself heritage and architecture walks on Hong Kong island , and in Kowloon and the new territories .

  29. 由于我国自助游的组织者和参加者轻率盲目,缺乏安全责任意识和遇险救助经验,安全事故频发。

    Because the self-help organizers and participants are often thoughtless blind , the lack of safe responsible consciousness and distress relief experience , safety accidents frequently happen .

  30. 我打算自助游,但又担心买不到票,旅行团太死板,集体活动也没意思。

    B : I plan to travel by myself , but I am worry about the ticket . And plans of tour group are inflexible and quite boring .