
  • 网络self-stressing concrete;self stressing concrete
  1. 大坝钢衬钢纤维自应力混凝土压力管道裂缝试验研究及其计算方法

    Study on crack width of steel-lined steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete penstocks

  2. 配筋钢纤维自应力混凝土的抗拉强度计算

    Calculation of Tensile Strength of Self-stressing Concrete Reinforced with Steel Bar and Fiber

  3. 钢纤维自应力混凝土膨胀变形的长期性能研究

    Research on Long-Term Expansive Deformation of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-stressing Concrete

  4. 钢纤维自应力混凝土压力管道自应力计算方法

    Calculation method for stress of steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete pipes

  5. 自应力混凝土结构限制膨胀过程有限元法分析

    Finite element analysis for expanding process of reinforced self-stressing concrete structures

  6. 钢纤维自应力混凝土在刚性防水屋面中的应用

    Application of self stressing fiber reinforced Concrete in rigid Waterproof roofing

  7. 钢衬钢纤维自应力混凝土新型复合管道性能和计算理论研究

    Study on Steel Lined Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Stressing Concrete Penstock

  8. 自应力混凝土在旧桥加固中的抗裂性研究

    A study on the crack resistance of self-stressing concrete for old bridge rehabilitations

  9. 钢纤维自应力混凝土受拉应力-应变全曲线试验研究

    Experimental research on stress-strain full curve of steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete in tension

  10. 钢纤维自应力混凝土变形性能及复合管道的有限元分析

    Deformation Property of Steel Fiber Self-stressing Concrete and Finite Element Analysis of Composite Penstock

  11. 钢纤维自应力混凝土是一种新型纤维增强复合材料。

    Steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete is a new type of fiber reinforced composite .

  12. 钢纤维自应力混凝土的膨胀特征和自应力计算

    Expansive Characteristics and Self-stress Value of Self-stressing Concrete Reinforced with Steel Bar and Steel Fiber

  13. 对硅酸盐自应力混凝土及其压力管一些技术问题的探讨

    Self-conserving Heat Concrete Exploration on Some Technical Problems Concerning Silicate Self Stressing Concrete and Self Stressing Concrete Pipes

  14. 目前,对钢纤维自应力混凝土的研究还只是对其增强机理的探讨以及一些基本力学性能试验和理论研究,而对钢纤维自应力混凝土结构性能研究还几乎是个空白。

    However , there is no literature on structural properties of steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete and applications .

  15. 本文通过四个钢衬钢纤维自应力混凝土压力管道的模型试验,研究了钢纤维自应力混凝土对压力管道裂缝控制的影响及其裂缝计算理论。

    The crack width theory on steel-lined steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete penstocks was studied by 4 model tests .

  16. 大比尺钢衬钢纤维自应力混凝土圆形管道在内水压下的性能试验研究

    Experimental study of the behaviors of the steel lined steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete penstocks under internal water pressure

  17. 试验表明,利用钢纤维和自应力混凝土可以有效地降低管道外包混凝土的裂缝宽度。

    The test results show that steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete could decrease the crack width of penstocks effectively .

  18. 试验结果表明,钢纤维自应力混凝土能够明显地提高压力管道的抗裂承载力。

    The experimental results show that steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete can significantly increase the cracking load of penstock .

  19. 钢纤维自应力混凝土叠合梁负弯矩区疲劳性能试验研究

    Experimental study on the fatigue property of composite beams with steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete in the negative moment area

  20. 添加膨胀剂的自应力混凝土在硬化过程中,可在墙体内建立预压应力,以减少拉应力;

    In hardening process , the self-stressing concrete added expanding agent can produce compressive pre-stress in the wall to reduce tensile stress ;

  21. 通过直接拉伸试验,测量了配筋钢纤维自应力混凝土的抗拉强度。

    Uniaxial direct tensile experiments were carried out to obtain tensile strength of self stressing concrete reinforced with steel bar and fiber .

  22. 钢纤维自应力混凝土抗拉强度为混凝土基体的抗拉强度与自应力值之和;

    The whole tension strength of steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete is a combination of tension strength of matrix and the self-stress value ;

  23. 结合自密实混凝土和自应力混凝土的特点,配制出有自密实性的自应力混凝土。

    Combining the characteristics of self-compacting concrete with those of self-stressing concrete , self-stressing concrete with self-compacting capability is produced and applied to steel tube .

  24. 这种在试验基础上的简化,方便了钢纤维自应力混凝土结构的应力和应变分析。

    The simplified curve based on the experiment provides a convenience for the analysis of stress and strain of steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete structures .

  25. 同时,由限制变形规律,根据截面平衡条件,提出了配筋钢纤维自应力混凝土的自应力计算模式。

    Further , according to the relation between expansion and steel reinforcing ratios , the model for steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete restrained by steel bars is suggested .

  26. 本文通过对三向应力混凝土结构特点的简单分析,指出核心采用自应力混凝土能够提高构件的承载能力;

    Through initial analysis of this paper points out that the carrying capability of the constituent unit can be promoted by using self-stressing concrete as the core part ;

  27. 日本主要研究膨胀混凝土的性能,我国主要研究自应力混凝土和钢纤维膨胀混凝土。

    In Japan , the study in this field mainly converge on expansive concrete , however , in our country , which primarily converge on self-stress concrete and steel fiber reinforced expansive concrete .

  28. 将钢纤维掺入到自应力混凝土中,除了钢纤维本身对混凝土的增强作用,同时还由钢纤维和钢筋共同限制自应力混凝土膨胀在混凝土中产生了预应力也提高了混凝土抗拉强度。

    The self-stress induced by steel bars as well as steel fibers and enhancement of steel fiber could increase tensile strength of concrete and improve the ductility , fatigue strength , impacting strength and impermeability of concrete .

  29. 将其应用于钢管混凝土内,不仅可以解决钢管混凝土浇注不密实,混凝土干缩、徐变等问题,而且还可以解决自应力混凝土约束不足的问题。

    It can not only make the quality of concrete filled in steel tubes obtain the guarantee to solve the problem of drying shrinkage and creep of concrete , but also solve the problem that the concrete is restrained insufficiently .

  30. 混凝土膨胀剂是在膨胀水泥的基础上发展起来的,主要用来配制补偿收缩混凝土和自应力混凝土,可以提高混凝土的抗裂防渗性能,使其结构更加致密,它在现代工程中的应用越来越广泛。

    Based on expansive agents for concrete , expanded cement develop for making up compensate shrinkage concrete and expanded concrete , improving anti-crack and impervious properties of concrete , and increasing dense structure of concrete . Expansive agents for concrete are widely used in modern projects .