
mén pái
  • number plate;house number plate;house number
门牌 [mén pái]
  • (1) [house number plate]∶钉在门上、标明住址或街道名称的牌子

  • (2) [house number]∶房子的号码

  • 你家门牌几号

门牌[mén pái]
  1. 压克力按键开关,可以按要求设置商标图案、门牌号,带LED背光。

    The Acrylic push-button switch , may according to the request establishment pictorial trademark , the house number plate number , have the LED backlight .

  2. 在昏暗的光线下我看不清房子的门牌号。

    I couldn 't make out the house number in the murky light .

  3. 我在擦亮的黄铜门牌上看到了她的名字。

    I read her name on the polished brass plate .

  4. 同年10月,全球首家没有营业大楼和门牌号码,只有主页和网址的网络银行&安全第一网络银行(SecurityFirstNetworkBank)在美国诞生;

    Soon , Security First Network Bank was born in U.S.A. with homepage and network bank of website merely .

  5. 在门牌号数字识别部分中,主要利用基于BP小波神经网络算法对数字进行识别。

    In the section of doorplate number recognition , doorplate number recognition is presented by wavelet neural network based on BP .

  6. 门牌数据在基于AutoCAD平台的城市大比例尺地形图中的表示形式和处理转换成为基础GIS数据

    The Express Form and Transforming to Basic GIS Data of Doorplate Data in City Large Scale Topographic Map Basing on AutoCad

  7. 在1080号店面旁边,我惊讶地发现一家没门牌号、却有实名的店面——韩国精品屋(MadeinKorea),却只卖中国生产的东西。

    Somewhere in the 1080 range I was surprised to find a store with no number but an actual name , Made in Korea , which only offered items made in China .

  8. 例如,除了门牌号和街道名称,Address对象还有几个可选属性,如CrossStreet,它在上面的代码片段中并没有用到。

    For example , besides house number and street name , the Address object has one more optional property as Cross Street which is not shown in the above code segment .

  9. 办公室标识有很多具体项目,包括各类办公室科室牌、企业VI标识、员工座位标牌、公司门牌、指示牌、宣传海报等。

    Office identifies many specific projects , including various office licensing department , enterprise VI logo , staff seating signs , company numbers , signs , posters and so on .

  10. 在邀请一名朋友出席结婚周年时,这个人解释说:“我们住7楼,门牌号7d。用你的胳臂肘摁铃就行了。”

    Inviting a friend to his wedding anniversary , the man explained ," we 're on the seventh floor , apartment7d.just touch the button with you elbow . "

  11. 随着计算机应用水平和城市信息化管理程度的提高,地理信息系统得到越来越多的应用,诸如公众电子地图、城市户籍管理、门牌号码分布、POI兴趣点、数字城管、数字园林等等各行各业。

    With the development of computer application and improvement of information management in cities , geographic information systems get more and more application , such as Electronic Maps , urban residence registration , house number distribution , point of interest , digital city management and digital landscape .

  12. 请您务必将车停在街道两侧中门牌号码为偶数的那一侧。

    You must park on the even-numbered side of the street .

  13. 听录音,写出地址的门牌号。

    Section D Listen and write the number of the address .

  14. 还好,我们做门牌号码规划留有弹性,能吸收。

    Fortunately our address planning has enough flexibility to absorb this .

  15. 你对他家的门牌能肯定吗?

    Can you affirm to the house number of his family ?

  16. 移动机器人门牌号识别算法研究

    Research on the Doorplate Recognition Algorithm for a Mobile Robot

  17. 我们透过雾气细看门牌号码。

    We peered through the fog at the house numbers .

  18. 马来西亚槟城风车路门牌88号。邮编10300。

    No.88 Jalan Gurdwara , 10300 George Town , Penang , Malaysia .

  19. 女子I:我想他只是忘了你的门牌号。

    Woman I : I 'm sure he just forgot your number .

  20. 为什么你们不把门牌号贴在我能看到的地方呢?

    Why don 't you put your number where it can seen ?

  21. 图中「等门牌线」,类似熟悉之等高线。

    Pictured are " address contours ", similar to familiar elevation contours .

  22. 设置门牌,设立指示牌,悬挂条幅和张贴布告。

    Set up room signs , direction sign , banners and poster .

  23. 门牌破落,什么意思?

    What do you mean , the number dropped off the door ?

  24. 一些房子的门牌号码也是这样的。

    Some house door numbers are like that as well .

  25. 为何门牌号码规划从未入都市计划课程?

    Why has house number planning never been taught in city planning courses ?

  26. 基于门牌号识别的移动机器人全局自定位方法研究

    Research on the Global Self-localization Based on the Doorplate Recognition for Mobile Robot

  27. 房地产空间数据与非空间数据的关联&门牌号的研究

    Study on doorplate which connecting real estate spatial data and non spatial data

  28. 所以当时我们就搞了一些街头营销活动,比如显眼的餐厅门牌,再比如打折促销等。

    So we did street marketing with door hangers and a discount program .

  29. 基于字符识别的门牌号识别算法研究

    Study of Doorplate Recognition Algorithm Based on Character Recognition

  30. 那人一路骑过来,挨家看着门牌号码。

    But the man came along , reading the numbers on the houses .