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  1. 或许我们应该和他们打听一下星际门事。

    Maybe you should ask them about the stargate .

  2. 没有任何关于星际之门的事是我不知道的。

    Nothing happens regarding that Stargate without my knowing about it .

  3. 除了盯着门看没有事可做。

    With nothing to do besides staring at it .

  4. 我是根据刚才星门发生的事写的。

    I just wrote it based on what 's going on with the gate .

  5. 在这堂课的前半部分,我将告诉你们一些关于这门课的事,介绍几个如果你选择这门课,就将在这学期里考虑的问题。

    In the first half of class , I 'm going to tell you a little bit about the class and introduce some of the questions that we will think about over the term if you stay in this course .

  6. 且设立守门的把守耶和华殿的各门,无论为何事,不洁净的人都不准进去。

    He also stationed doorkeepers at the gates of the Lord 's temple so that no one who was in any way unclean might enter .