
  • 网络barbarians at the gate
  1. 在1993年的电影《门口的野蛮人》(BarbariansattheGate)中,詹姆斯•加纳饰演烟草与食品巨头RJRNabisco公司CEO罗斯•约翰逊。该公司经历了当时规模最大的一次杠杆收购。

    In the 1993 film " Barbarians at the Gate , " James Garner played F. Ross Johnson , the CEO of the tobacco and food giant RJR Nabisco , which underwent one of the biggest leveraged buyouts at the time .

  2. 这些人使用杠杆,借钱来炒股,就像“门口的野蛮人”一样。

    They were buying stocks with borrowed funds , using leverage as if they were " barbarians at the gate . "

  3. 尽管kkr多年来引来了许多模仿者,但它本身的企业文化令我吃惊,它的形象更像“门口的野蛮人”,而不是精英资本家。

    While KKR has spawned many imitators over the years , its own corporate culture has struck me as less hard core capitalist than its barbarians at the gate image .

  4. 它们已经花了很长时间来摆脱门口的野蛮人的形象,它们喜欢被视作文明企业。

    They have spent a long time shrugging off their image as Barbarians at the Gate and they like being regarded as civilised .