
  • 网络Howard Buffett Foundation
  1. 基于税务文件,2008年他通过巴菲特基金会(SusanThompsonBuffettFoundation)向哥伦比亚大学捐款达1200万美元以上。

    he gave more than $ 12 million to Columbia in 2008 through the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation , based on tax filings .

  2. 如果平均年收益率为5%,那么,巴菲特基金会将只有可怜的3200万美元可以提供给比尔•盖茨的慈善基金。

    If returns had averaged 5 per cent a year , then the Buffett Foundation would have a miserly $ 32m to pass to Bill Gates ' charities .

  3. 他建立了巴菲特基金会,意在积累资金,在自己和妻子死后发放。不过巴菲特基金会至今已为许多组织捐资数百万美元,资助的项目包括人口控制、计划生育、堕胎和避孕等。

    He has established the Buffett Foundation , designed to accumulate money and give it away after his and his wife 's deaths -- though the foundation has given millions to organizations involved with population control , family planning , abortion , and birth control .

  4. 按照上述2%和20%的收费标准,巴菲特投资管理公司和巴菲特基金会将分别得到570亿美元和50亿美元。

    At 2 and 20 , the split is $ 57bn for Buffett Investment Management and $ 5bn to the Buffett Foundation .