
  • 网络Barolo;Barolos;Brolo;Barola
  1. 该种葡萄亦用以酿造巴罗洛(Barolo)和巴芭罗斯克(Barbaresco),意大利最著名的两种红葡萄酒。

    The same variety is used to vinify both Barolo and Barbaresco , two of Italy 's greatest red wines .

  2. 我听人赞美过巴罗洛Chinato葡萄酒,它是产自巴罗洛地区的强化、甜味、草本餐后酒。

    I 've heard good things about Barolo Chinato , a fortified , sweet and herbal digestif made from Barolo .

  3. 这是2004年的巴罗洛葡萄酒,产自我的皮埃蒙特葡萄园。

    Vic : This is a2004 Barolo from my vineyard in Piedmont .

  4. 它是酿制巴罗洛和巴芭罗斯克葡萄酒的基本成分。

    It is the grape of Barolo and Barbaresco wines .

  5. 巴罗洛是意大利红葡萄酒之王。

    Barolo is the king of Italian red wines .

  6. 客人可在巴罗洛餐厅品尝来自皮尔蒙特地区的传统意大利美食和餐厅酒窖珍藏的陈年葡萄酒。

    A wide selection of signature Barolo wines will be available from the wine cellar of the restaurant .

  7. 至于酒水,我先喝了一杯意大利巴罗洛干红,然后是一杯勃艮第白葡萄酒。酒水单上的选项,大都是来自欧洲的好酒。

    And I had a glass of white Burgundy , followed by a glass of Barolo , from a wine list that covered many of Europe 's highlights .