
  • 网络BACCARAT;Bakara;baccara
  1. 巴卡拉是ARC部队老兵阿尔法制订新训练计划后培养的第一代克隆人指挥官之一。

    Bacara was one of the first generation of clone commanders to benefit from a new training program instituted by Alpha , an ARC trooper veteran .

  2. 阳光保险的总部位于北京,今年耗资2.3亿美元收购了纽约的巴卡拉酒店(BaccaratHotel)。

    The insurer , which this year spent $ 230 million to buy the Baccarat Hotel in New York , has local connections .

  3. 受人尊敬的法国水晶公司巴卡拉(Baccarat)首次进军酒店业,在曼哈顿中城现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)对面的一座玻璃大楼里开设了纽约巴卡拉酒店及公寓(BaccaratHotel&ResidencesNewYork)。

    The venerable French crystal company Baccarat is venturing into hotel business for the first time with the Baccarat Hotel & Residences New York in a glass tower in Midtown Manhattan across the street from the Museum of Modern Art .

  4. 巴卡拉头盔的开放式面罩最早是为一名“严寒天气”克隆人坦克驾驶员设计的。

    The open-facemask design of Bacara 's helmet was first developed for an " inclement weather " clone tank driver .

  5. 其中,由基·阿迪·芒迪将军和克隆人指挥官巴卡拉率领的银河陆战队就是最令人敬畏,适应性最好的部队之一。

    One of the most feared and versatile units were the Galactic Marines , under the command of General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Commander Bacara .

  6. 在首都摩加迪沙的巴卡拉市场地区,迫击炮猛烈交火,导致许多平民伤亡。

    Heavy mortar exchanges have since erupted in the Bakara market area of Mogadishu , killing a number of civilians and wounding many more .

  7. 第一期154个单元将于今夏盛大开幕,并将巴卡拉奢华、优雅的生活方式带到上海。

    The first of two154-unit towers will open this summer ; bringing the illustrious and glamorous legacy of Baccarat style to residential living in Shanghai .

  8. 坐落于上海新天地核心地段的巴卡拉•济南路八号,是巴卡拉酒店及酒店度假集团在中国的第一家顶级豪华公寓。

    Located in the heart of Xintiandi , Baccarat Hotels and Resorts is proud to announce its first luxury residential development , the Baccarat Residences – Shanghai .

  9. 克隆人指挥官巴卡拉在麦基托跟基·阿迪·芒迪将军一起对抗分离势力的机器人军队。这颗外环星球由星际银行业集团控制。

    Bacara was a clone commander who worked alongside General Ki-Adi-Mundi against Separatist the droid armies on Mygeeto , an Outer Rim planet controlled by the InterGalactic Banking Clan .

  10. 就在这个星期,在摩加迪沙的巴卡拉市场发现了三具青年党成员的尸体,他们头部都受到过枪击。

    For instance , when three Shabab fighters were found dead this week in Mogadishu 's Bakara market , each shot in the head , it was unclear who had killed them .

  11. 太阳(萨雅)是吠陀其中一位主神。他被认为是光(丁卡拉)和温暖(巴卡拉)的泉源。

    The sun ( Surya ) was one of the chief deities in the Vedas . He was recognized as the source of light ( Dinkara ), source of warmth ( Bhaskara ) .