
  • 网络Burroughs;John Burroughs;Edgar Rice Burroughs;William Burroughs
  1. 巴勒斯在《人猿泰山》中从遗传、道德、文明三方面逐一诋毁非洲人。

    Burroughs derogates African from the perspective of heredity , moral and culture .

  2. 除了写作,巴勒斯还将剪裁法广泛运用到录音、电影和绘画中来。

    Besides writing , Burroughs extends the use of cut-ups to tape-recorder , film and painting .

  3. 巴勒斯打破了互不友好的沉默。

    Barras broken the icy silence .

  4. 我名叫奥古斯丁?巴勒斯

    My name is Augusten Burroughs .

  5. 巴勒斯对他的伙伴们说了几句,便宣布了法庭的判决。

    Barras said a few words to his companions and then gave the court 's decision .

  6. 约瑟夫·法因斯扮演奥古斯丁?巴勒斯

    And Joseph Cross as Augusten Burroughs

  7. 詹宁斯开始对如何解决这一问题提出建议,但巴勒斯却不予理睬。

    Jennings began to suggest ways to deal with the problem , but Barras did not listen .

  8. 在很多场合只好用有间隙采样做阿仑方差,然后用巴勒斯偏函数加以修正,其繁杂程度是可想而知的。

    In many cases , Allan variance has to be measured with dead time and then modified with Barnes bias function .

  9. 欢迎巴勒斯加入联合国教科文组织意味着这一组织将失去其22%的财政支持。

    Welcoming Palestine to the United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization may have meant saying goodbye to as much as22 percent of the organization 's budget .

  10. 读书是开启一段精彩的旅程,大学里的老师们也是这么认为的:当年,我参加过有关迪伦和巴勒斯的研讨会,但是对于我的分数毫无帮助。

    It was an adventure , and the tutors and professors were largely sympathetic to this attitude : I attended seminars on Dylan and Burroughs , which were no help at all for the degree .