
  • 网络The Jerusalem Post
  1. 但是,以色列的耶路撒冷邮报编辑霍罗维茨说,奥尔默特可能已经倒在地上,但是还没有失败。

    But while Mr. Olmert may be down he is not out , says Jerusalem Post editor David Horovitz .

  2. 周五发表在耶路撒冷邮报上的民意调查显示,64%的以色列犹太人认为,以色列不应该相信国际社会承诺的从西岸定居点撤出换取以色列的安全。

    A poll published Friday in the Jerusalem Post shows that 64 percent of Israeli Jews believe Israel cannot trust international pledges for its security in return for withdrawing from West Bank settlements .

  3. 星期二的听证会上没有提及耶路撒冷邮报的那篇报导。

    The news report was not mentioned at the Senate hearing .

  4. 此前,耶路撒冷邮报报导说,在布什总统明年1月卸任之前,美军有可能会对伊朗展开攻势。

    Their comments come in the wake of a report in the Jerusalem Post saying a U.S. military strike against Iran is likely before the end of President Bush 's term in office next January .

  5. 《耶路撒冷邮报》的报导说:由于美国国务卿赖斯和国防部长罗伯特。盖茨“犹豫不决”,美国尚未作出攻击的决定,至少是现在还没有。

    The Jerusalem Post account said " hesitancy " on the part of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates , is preventing a U.S.attack decision , at least for the time being .

  6. 《耶路撒冷邮报》的报导说:由于美国国务卿赖斯和国防部长罗伯特.盖茨“犹豫不决”,美国尚未作出攻击的决定,至少是现在还没有。

    The Jerusalem Post account said " hesitancy " on the part of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates , is preventing a U.S. attack decision , at least for the time being .