
  • 网络Jesus Christ;The Jesus Film;Jesus;Das Leben Jesu
  1. 那就是顺服你的父母,并把主耶稣传讲给别人。

    By obeying your parents , and telling others about Jesus .

  2. 你们原晓得我们凭主耶稣传给你们甚么命令。

    For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus .

  3. 一个孩子怎么来服侍神呢?那就是顺服你的父母,并把主耶稣传讲给别人。

    How can a child serve the Lord ? By obeying your parents , and telling others about Jesus .

  4. 耶稣传给门徒的祷告词,基督教礼拜仪式中通用的祈祷文。

    Prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples and used by all Christians as the basic prayer in common worship .

  5. 当耶稣传福音时,祂说:「在你们当中有人在未死以前,要看到上帝的国降临。」

    " When Christ preached the Gospel of the Kingdom , He said : " There are some standing here , who shall not see death till the kingdom of God has come in power .

  6. 在我国对西方思想与哲学的研究中,对马克思主义哲学产生的历史必然性的研究中,由于历史和资料的原因,往往忽视一部重要的著作&大卫·弗里德里希·施特劳斯的《耶稣传》。

    Researchers often neglects an important work David Friedrich Strauss ' Life of Jesus as a result of historical and the material reason in research into the western thought and the philosophy and in the historical inevitable research which produces to the Marxist philosophy in our country .

  7. 从那时候耶稣就传起道来,说,天国近了,你们应当悔改。

    From that time Jesus began to preach , and to say , Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand .

  8. 明末清初,耶稣教传道士居住北京皇宫,这就是东西方文化和科技交流的重要媒介。

    During the end of Ming and beginning of Qing Dynasty , the Jesuit padres residing at the imperial court in Beijing was important media for the cultural and technical exchange from east to west and vice versa .

  9. 如果你相信耶稣是神并传讲的是真理,那教会必须依然存在。

    Or did Jesus speak the truth ? if you believe Jesus is God and speaks the truth then this Church must still exist .