
qí yù
  • happy encounter;fortuitous meeting;adventure
奇遇 [qí yù]
  • (1) [fortuitous meeting]∶出乎意料之外的幸会

  • 失散40年的父子俩在街上碰见了,真是奇遇

  • (2) [adventure]∶奇特遭遇

  • 生活中已经没有奇遇了

奇遇[qí yù]
  1. 奇遇丽江三月雪

    A Happy Encounter of Snow in Lijiang in March

  2. 这个故事描述了一个男人与一只海豚之间的奇遇。

    The story describes the extraordinary encounter between a man and a dolphin .

  3. 真是天缘奇遇,他们住进了同一家旅馆。

    By a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel .

  4. 这个系列剧按照时间顺序记述了两个老光棍每天的奇遇。

    The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors .

  5. 作者讲述了和一群南越士兵的奇遇。

    The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of South Vietnamese soldiers .

  6. 道格要给我讲几个他到荒野地区旅行的奇遇故事。

    Doug has a yarn or two to tell me about his trips into the bush .

  7. 我希望听到你这次奇遇的详情。

    I wish to hear the details of your adventure .

  8. 他经历过许许多多奇遇。

    He had a vast lot of adventures .

  9. 那场奇遇改变了他人生的方向。

    The adventure changed the whole current of his life .

  10. 当时,我对丛林中的奇遇想得很多,于是,我也用彩色铅笔画出了我的第一副图画。

    I pondered6 deeply , then , over the adventures of the jungle . And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing .

  11. 每条小狗都很生动,每只鸽子都很乖巧。每个早晨都要这样,虽然我已经不同以往,总是幻想奇遇,总是渴望付出烈火般的激情,又总是被乖戾的现实玩耍,被今天这难得的天气从狂热中唤醒。

    Every morning I do the same thing , although I am now different from before , always dreaming of unusual encounters and always wishing to inspire fervent from fanatical visions by such unusual weather , like today .

  12. vt.叙述;使有联系我们听他叙述他的奇遇。

    relate We listened as he related his adventure .

  13. 这栋豪宅的3D影院配有环绕音效系统和按摩椅,还收藏了一些好莱坞大片的DVD影碟,其中包括《肖申克的救赎》(ShawshankRedemption)和《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》(AliceinWonderland)。

    And the mansion 's 3-D cinema has Surround-sound , massage chairs , and a small collection of Hollywood hits on DVD , including Shawshank Redemption and Alice in Wonderland .

  14. 我读的第一本书是《OZ国奇遇记》,那是一个慵懒的夏天,我在新泽西兰道尔夫街家中的门廊上读了这本书。

    The first book I read was " The Wizard of Oz , " one lazy summer on my front porch on Randolph Street in New Jersey .

  15. 墙上画着来自迪士尼1940年影片《木偶奇遇记》(Pinocchio)的装饰图案。那部影片是根据意大利作家卡洛·科洛迪(CarloCollodi)1883年的传奇故事改编的儿童电影。科洛迪清晰地看到了年轻男孩最糟糕的一面。

    The walls were illustrated with vignettes from Disney 's 1940 " Pinocchio , " a scrubbed version of the 1883 saga by the Italian writer Carlo Collodi , who clearly saw the worst in young boys .

  16. 万圣节奇遇记—吉纳·D.B.克莱曼

    Halloween Horror By Gina D.B.Clemen

  17. 这一幕是对影片《奇遇》(L’Avventura)中最后一幕的戏仿,在《奇遇》片尾,一对痛苦的恋人发现自己陷入了现代式恋情的地狱。

    The scene suggests a parody of the final moments of " L'Avventura , " whose anguished lovers find themselves trapped in modern relationship hell .

  18. 在经历各种辗转和奇遇后,教会的人同意收留他,而他们问的第一句话是:你是C.O.G.吗?

    After all kinds of travels and adventures , the church agree to take him in , and what they asked him firstly is : are you C.O.G. ?

  19. 这个故事讲的是她在森林里激动人心的种种奇遇。

    The story is about her exciting adventures in the forest .

  20. 他在叙述离家后的奇遇。

    He was recounting his adventures since he had left home .

  21. 草书的奇遇改变了他的一生。

    Acursiveadventure that changed the whole current of his life happened .

  22. 他会经常给我们编造他的冒险奇遇。

    He would often spin us a yam about his adventures .

  23. 他喜欢不厌其烦地给新闻记者讲述他的奇遇。

    He thoroughly enjoyed recounting his adventures to the newspaper reporters .

  24. 老水手喜欢讲他的海上奇遇。

    The old mariner likes to yarn about his sea adventure .

  25. ——这是个奇遇,是不是,舅舅?——上帝保佑我的灵魂,我是多么热啊!”

    God bless my soul , how hot I am ! '

  26. 在世界上有许多值得经历的奇遇和值得看的地方。

    There are a lot of amazing in the world .

  27. 水手整夜讲他的奇遇故事娱乐我们。

    The sailor regaled us all night with stories of his adventures .

  28. 那个探险家把他在北极的奇遇讲给学生听。

    The explorer told the students about his adventure in the arctic .

  29. 和他们分享你最近的奇遇会让你十分享受。

    You 'll enjoy sharing stories about your recent adventures .

  30. 大家都同意彼得的这个建议,一场奇遇就是这样开始的。

    Everyone agreed to this and that was how the adventures began .