
  • 网络CMO;Chimei Innolux;Chi Mei Optoelectronics;cmi
  1. 鸿海也持有台湾电视机面板生产商奇美电子(chimeiinnolux)的股份,但奇美缺乏夏普在面板制造领域掌握的先进技术。

    Hon Hai also has a stake in Taiwanese TV panel maker Chimei Innolux . But the latter lacks the superior technology of sharp in panel-making .

  2. 三星电子(samsungelectronics)是第一家与检方达成和解的公司,包括lgdisplay和奇美电子(chimeioptoelectronics)在内的其它5家液晶面板公司也已认罪。

    Samsung Electronics was the first to strike a deal with prosecutors , while five other LCD companies including LG display and Chi Mei optoelectronics , have also pleaded guilty .

  3. 上周媒体报道,鸿海精密工业股份有限公司的一家分公司&佛山市奇美电子公司的一名实习生自杀身亡。富士康也同属鸿海公司旗下。

    Last week , a student intern reportedly committed suicide at Chimei Innolux Company in Foshan , a branch company of Hon Hai Precision Industry , which also owns Foxconn .

  4. 合并消息宣布前两天,奇美电子股票交易量飙升至正常水平的四至五倍,监管机构由此展开了调查。

    News of the probe emerged after trading in Chi Mei shares rocketed to between four and five times their normal volume in the two days before the merger was announced .