
zhēn miàn mù
  • true colours;true features;one's true self
真面目 [zhēn miàn mù]
  • [true features; true colours] 真实的面貌和色彩

真面目[zhēn miàn mù]
  1. 他们的诽谤只能充分暴露他们自己的真面目。

    Their slanders only serve to lay bare their own true features .

  2. 今天我们就来展示这些动物的真面目!

    Today we 'll uncover their true features !

  3. 他以为他能糊弄我,但我清楚他的真面目。

    He thinks he can fool me but I 've got his number .

  4. 如果有人虚伪矫饰,那就应该暴露他的真面目。

    If someone is being hypocritical then it is fair to expose that .

  5. 现在,孩子们第一次看到他的真面目。

    The children are seeing him in his true colours for the first time now

  6. 现在时间一长,这个机构就露出了真面目,效率低下,差错百出。

    Here , the organization has had time to show its true colours , to show its inefficiency and its bungling .

  7. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。

    The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside .

  8. 他看见了简的真面目,仿佛有人把一个歪曲形象的面具从简的脸上撕了下来。

    He saw Jan as though someone had snatched a deforming mask from Jan 's face .

  9. 中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)栏目的姐妹版日本实时报(JapanRealTime)让我们有机会一睹其部分真面目。

    Thanks to China Real Time 's sister blog , Japan Real Time , we have at least a partial answer .

  10. 目前这个还没有揭开庐山真面目的产品被分析师们冠以“iPadMini”的名字,沿用iPod系列的命名方法。

    The so far the imaginary , or at least never-seen , device has been dubbed the " iPad Mini " by speculators in light of the iPod of the same name .

  11. 在伍迪・艾伦(WoodyAllen)执导的影片《魔力月光》(MagicintheMoonlight)中,艾玛・斯通(EmmaStone)饰演灵媒师索菲・贝克(SophieBaker),科林・弗思(ColinFirth)饰演一位试图揭穿索菲・贝克真面目的魔术大师。

    Woody Allen 's ' Magic in the Moonlight ' stars Emma Stone as a psychic medium , Sophie Baker , and Colin Firth as a master magician who sets out to debunk her .

  12. 自柏拉图(plato)赞扬“哲王”(philosopher-king)的真实以及希腊演员带上面具隐藏或展露情感以来,领导人应该在多大程度上展示他们的真面目一直是管理学研究的主题。

    The extent to which leaders should show their true colours has been a staple of management thinking since Plato praised the truthfulness of philosopher-kings and Greek actors donned masks to hide , or display , their feelings .

  13. 这只不过使他们的真面目暴露得更清楚。

    This only serves to expose more clearly their true colours .

  14. 只是希望你能认清艾米莉的真面目

    I simply wanted you to know the truth about Emily .

  15. 想让你看清佩奇的真面目

    trying to get you to see who Paige really is .

  16. 但霍布斯揭穿了人类傲骄的真面目。

    And yet Hobbes is a great debunker of human pride .

  17. 我想亲眼瞧瞧那群人的真面目

    I wanted to see for myself who those people were .

  18. 财富不会改变人,而是揭露人的真面目。

    Fortune does not change men , it unmasks them .

  19. 月光照出我们的真面目。

    The moonlight shows us for what we really are .

  20. 这时我们看到了我们国人的真面目。

    We now saw our countrymen in their true colours .

  21. 真理伤人&尤其是有人揭开你的真面目时。

    The truth hurts * especially when someone tells it about you .

  22. 那你现在可以把这个泥人的真面目告诉我了吧?

    So can you tell me who this clay doll is now ?

  23. 有时候你看到事情的真面目。

    Sometimes you see a thing how it really is .

  24. 更或许你很快就会漏出你的真面目。

    Or maybe you 'll just show your true colors .

  25. 你知道这座岛的真面目吗

    Do you even know what this island really is ?

  26. 她越容易发现你的真面目。

    The closer she is to finding out who you really are .

  27. 把面具摘掉让大家看看你的真面目吧。

    Take off the helmet and show everybody who you really are .

  28. 这个超级大国一下子暴露出纸老虎的真面目。

    The superpower was suddenly revealed as a paper tiger .

  29. 如果你知道她的真面目你会暴跳如雷。

    You 'll FIip if you knew what she is really iike .

  30. 说谎是魔鬼的真面目;

    To lie is the very face of the demon .